3D Point Cloud

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Hallman, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Hallman

    Hallman Guest

    I have a data file of 3D points. What is the fastest way of importing
    that information into solidworks to produce a surface thru them or at
    least influenced by them us the "shape feature" feature.

    Hallman, Mar 22, 2006
  2. Hallman

    haulin79 Guest

    You can create quasi-parallel splines using the points as and then loft
    the splines together to make a surface. If it is a more complicated
    cloud, you can divide it up into logical areas and then surface each
    area. You can then extend and trim the surfaces as needed.

    If more complex point cloud processing is required, here's a nice
    little overview: http://www.vx.com/articles/CAD5-46-05e.pdf

    For medium complexity point cloud processing there are a couple
    midrange (inexpensive) solutions:
    - www.vx.com - "Modeler" package is minimum to get the reverse
    engineering capabilities. $2k but free if you attend a VX seminar. My
    company got one license free by attending, license does not expire.
    - www.technodigit.com - $4k They have a free 30 day demo, just ask.

    For high end point cloud processing:
    - www.geomagic.com - about $20k
    - www.innovmetric.com - about $20k

    Best of Luck!!
    haulin79, Mar 23, 2006
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