3D Plot Color Problems in Viewports

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dlinford, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. dlinford

    dlinford Guest

    When I choose Hide Objects option on a Viewport or the Hide Plot option in the Plot Dialogue Box my 3D objects no longer plot to the plot style assigned to them but change to plot in there color in AutoCAD 2002.

    That is the short version.

    Here is the longer version with details

    I have 3D solids assigned to layers with various plot styles assigned to them.

    When I plot these objects through viewports they appear with properly assigned plot styles when the Hide Plot viewport property is set to "No".

    But then the 3D solids don't hide objects behind them.

    When I set the viewport property to "Yes" then the objects no longer plot with proper plot style characteristics. But the 3D objects hide objects behind them.

    So I can either hide objects properly or show proper plot styles but not both
    dlinford, Jul 10, 2003
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