3D Instant Website - NOT

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, Dec 11, 2004.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hello All,

    I wasn't going to post this because I already have my VAR and SW working on
    the problem, but after reading the 2K5 Task Scheduler post, I thought that
    maybe I'm not alone.

    Here's the issue, I start 3d Instant Website, and everything works as
    expected, but when I go to publish it, I get the lovley "An unsupported
    operation was attempted" followed by the even more familiar "An unknown
    error has occurred".

    Has anyelse seen this before? Of course my VAR and SW both have sent me
    though the - Do you have the "supported" video card, do you have the
    approved drivers, well then try this driver, did you turn off your AV before
    installing, well then try to completly uninstall and then reinstall, THAT
    should solve your problem - maze.
    But alas, not even all of those gyrations helped
    So now I'm turning to the peeps that can actually help, the users of SW.
    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    Muggs, Dec 11, 2004
  2. Muggs

    Mark Downey Guest

    I have the exact same problem on my work system. I have also attempted to
    get the problem resolved by contacting my VAR but the problem has not been
    solved. My work system is a Dell M60 Laptop running XP Pro SP1.0 and SW2005
    SP0.1. I had the same problem with SW2004 in all SPs. I do not get this
    error on my home system which is much less equipped running XP Home SP2.0.
    I did a clean install of SW2005 in the hopes that it would correct the
    problem but it didn't. The computer has 1 Gb of RAM and the video card is
    one of the approved cards with 128 Mb of RAM. I was also having a problem
    with HTML help that I recently resolved and I thought that might have fixed
    the problem but I fired up the laptop this evening and tried it but I still
    get the same error. Maybe someone from the group has been successful at
    fixing this problem.


    Mark Downey
    Mark Downey, Dec 13, 2004
  3. Muggs

    matt Guest

    Are you sure this isn't a firewall problem?


    matt, Dec 13, 2004
  4. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Thanks Matt,
    The short answer is, I don't know!
    I don't have any other firewall than XP Pro has as a default.
    Did you do anything differently as far as XP is concerned?


    Muggs, Dec 13, 2004
  5. Muggs

    matt Guest

    Are you using XP sp2? There are some new things with sp2 that I'm not
    completely on top of, but they tend to interfere with network
    communications. I guess if you internet connection doesn't work, at
    least it's secure.

    Try going to the Control Panel, and then Firewall, and turn it off.
    Then test the 3DIW to see if it works. If it works with it off, you may
    have to fiddle with the firewall exceptions to allow 3DIW to go through.

    matt, Dec 13, 2004
  6. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Yes, I have XP SP2, but it was a problem in SP 1 as well.

    OK I turned off the firewall and still no joy.
    I think I'm going to reinstall SW 2004 and just check that.

    Thanks Matt,
    I'll let you know what I find.
    Please let me know if you think of anything else.

    Muggs, Dec 13, 2004
  7. Hi there,

    Can you publish locally, ro does it not work at all?

    Lee Bazalgette, Dec 13, 2004
  8. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Good question!
    Sorry I should have mentioned it.
    No not at all, and yes I went through and set up the administrator.


    Muggs, Dec 13, 2004
  9. Another two things:

    One is to see if save as MTX is in you save as list - not sure if this makes
    any odds, but it's worth trying I suppose. If it's not there then see if
    it's in the add-ins list and check it.

    The other is to try the various output options using the web publishing
    'wizard', such as Hoops, JPG, Viewpoint and Edrawing. I always use Viewpoint
    (since I want peopole using Macs to be able to view the stuff as well), but
    I found with SW2005 they had changed the way the publisher works; you had to
    select the type of output and add it to the list of files before it would
    publish the correct type of file. Plus it alwya defaults to Edrawing, which
    I find annoying.

    Good luck!


    Lee Bazalgette, Dec 13, 2004
  10. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    One is to see if save as MTX is in you save as list - not sure if this
    No! Not sure what that means.
    Yeah I though of that as well, but no joy.
    The really infuriating thing is the wonderfully informational report that
    "An unknown error has occurred".
    NO S**T!!!

    Thanks anyway Lee,
    Muggs, Dec 14, 2004
  11. A possible clue:
    My firewall/antivirus software warns me that ViewMgr.exe is trying to access
    the internet on a regular basis and that it is suspected of being spyware.
    This is actually the Viewpoint software (used by 3D IW), which Viewpoint
    claims is NOT spyware, but my ZoneAlarm A/V recommends banishing it since it
    is on the suspect list. (And apparently it is also used in ad-ware.)
    Perhaps a more automated security system might lock it out without asking??
    No Viewpoint ==> No 3D IW??

    Brenda D. Bosley, Dec 14, 2004
  12. Muggs

    Muggs Guest


    Thanks Brenda, I really thought that you had something there, but turned off
    all AV and such, and still no joy.

    Muggs, Dec 14, 2004
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