3D Balloons

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Peter, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. Peter

    Peter Guest

    I have an exploded assembly that only contains 6 different parts.
    The drawing has a table with a repeat region to list the various parts.

    The region is used to create BOM balloons.
    My Boss would like to include the exploded assembly complete with
    balloons in the User Manual, but he wants it as a shaded JPG.
    Can balloons be added to a shaded assembly in WF2? Or maybe just notes
    with leaders?
    How would I do this?

    Peter, Sep 23, 2006
  2. Peter

    David Janes Guest

    Better get WF3! Supposedly a shaded view is possible with this version. And
    I can't see why a shaded, isometric view wouldn't be able to handle BOM
    balloons. But, sorry, not in WF2!

    David Janes
    David Janes, Sep 23, 2006
  3. Peter

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Can balloons be added to a shaded assembly in WF2?
    No first hand experience but I'll offer some thoughts 'bout where I'd go ...

    Pro/Engineer Fundamentals
    Creating Various Annotation Types
    To Add Symbols to a 3D Model ...

    which tells you to use Edit > Setup,
    but look also at Insert > Model Datum > Annotation > Add > Symbol.

    I'd guess linking to a repeat region is outta the question. Maybe create part
    parameters and link to them in the repeat region to keep everything singing on
    the same page?
    Jeff Howard, Sep 23, 2006
  4. Peter

    Jeff Howard Guest

    .... seems to work (at least as well as any 3D annotations which I have yet to
    get a really good handle on) using either interface.
    Jeff Howard, Sep 23, 2006
  5. Peter

    Peter Guest

    The EDIT > SETUP and add notes works good. For this application, I
    found it best to click the FLAT TO SCREEN box.
    Unfortunately when it is converted to a JPG, the leaders for the notes
    are very hard to see (too thin). So I have to use a picture editing
    program to make them a bit bolder. I suppose that I could have done
    that from the start.
    Anyway thanks for your input.
    Peter, Sep 24, 2006
  6. Peter

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Glad you found something more-r-less acceptable for the purpose.
    Like I said, my grasp of this is pretty weak but some random thoughts after a
    little dinking around ...

    Plane aligned note and symbol orientation is determined by the plane's X axis
    definition. If all else fails define a plane by three points to get what you
    want. If you are using a simple symbol like a balloon / bubble just rotate in
    the definition dialog. Notes, too, but elbows may (?) present a problem.

    If you have a pdf print device installed you might try printing the image
    instead of jpg. Image quality is better and the leaders will probably show
    better. Changing note / symbol color may help or be a necessity. (I think I've
    simply switch color schemes to Black on White before printing in the past with
    good results.)

    Annotation Element symbols can be moved using Edit > Setup > Symbol > Move (or
    something like that). I couldn't figure out how to move one using the Datum
    Annotation interface.

    - - -

    One thing I'd don't know and would like to: Is it possible to set model
    annotation leader arrow size and type?

    Jeff Howard, Sep 24, 2006
  7. Peter

    Peter Guest

    Jeff, the information that you provided certainly helped and got me
    experimenting and reading more, but like you, I can't find a way to
    change the leader arrow size.
    I will let you know if I discover how (probably while looking for
    something else).
    Thanks again.
    Peter, Sep 25, 2006
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