2k5 Task Scheduler

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George Maddever, Dec 9, 2004.

  1. I'm runnig SW2005 SP0.1 and my Task Scheduler doesn't work..... it's not
    buggy... it just DOESN'T work... at all... period.

    You assign it a task (such as batch-produce e-drawings) and it doesn't show
    up in the window, then it crashes.

    Anyone else had this problem? It's happening on several workstations in our
    office on both WinXP and Win2k
    George Maddever, Dec 9, 2004
  2. Devon T. Sowell, Dec 9, 2004
  3. George, we're having the exact same problem. None of them work here on any
    machine. Some crash, others just sit there and nothing happens.

    Have you reported anything to SW's on this yet?

    Richard Charney, Dec 9, 2004
  4. Hi Richard,

    Nice to know it's not just us, bad thing is, you can't just reinstall the
    scheduler. It works now on a couple of Seats we have but not on our other
    (main) seats..... I'm tring to figure out what the difference is.... only
    thing I can come up with is that I THINK the PCs where we have the scheduler
    working were from fresh installs, whereas the ones where the scheduler is
    dead seem to be ones we upgraded from SW2k4. I've not logged the problem
    yet, might get onto our reseller and see if they've had any word on it.

    Will keep you posted.

    George Maddever, Dec 9, 2004
  5. I'm going to be calling my VAR today about this issue. I hate it when
    something that was working fine, becomes broken after just doing an upgrade
    like from SW2004 to SW2005.
    Richard Charney, Dec 10, 2004
  6. Hi Richard.... did you have any luck with your VAR on that 2k5 scheduler
    bug? I've been so flat out with other stuff here in the pre-christmas rush
    that I've not had time to chase it up myself. Like you it really annoys me
    when somethign just stops working with an upgrade.... interestingly the
    computers that were FRESH installed with 25k in our office work fine, the
    ones that were upgraded from 2k4 have the faulty task scheduler... wonder if
    there's a link there?

    George Maddever, Dec 13, 2004
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