(i could not send an attachment so am pasting it) ; pav.lsp pline add vertices with elevations by alex konieczka with great help from Rakesh Rao, and Michael Puckett and rodny estep. (defun c:pav () (setq vlist nil plist nil dy 0 cnt 0) (setq el1 (getreal "Enter starting elev: ")) (print "Select pline: ")(gent) (if (= (ass 0) "LWPOLYLINE") (progn (setq ename (ass -1)))(progn (print "Must be a pline.")(quit))) (command "area" "ob" ename) (setq l (getvar "perimeter") slen 5.0) (setq divs (fix (/ l slen))) (initget 0 "1 2") (setq dr1 (getkword " Enter Choice: 1. Elev 2. Slope ")) (if (= dr1 "1") (progn (setq el2 (getreal "Enter ending elev: ") slope (/ (- el2 el1) l) el2 (+ el1 (* slope l)) dy (/ (- el2 el1) (/ l slen)) ) ) (progn (setq slope (/ (getreal "Enter slope% (e.g. 2 = 0.02:") 100.0) el2 (+ el1 (* slope l)) dy (/ (- el2 el1) (/ l slen)) )) ) (PL_DividedPoints ename divs) (foreach n vlist (progn (setq pt (nth cnt vlist) pt (list (car pt) (cadr pt) (+ el1 (* cnt dy)) )) (setq plist (append (list pt) plist)) (setq cnt (1+ cnt)) )) (Make3DPoly plist) (princ)) ;///////// ; make poly function (defun Make3DPoly ( pointlist / lastent ) (setq lastent (entlast)) (foreach definition (append '(( (0 . "POLYLINE") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (100 . "AcDb3dPolyline") (66 . 1) (10 0.0 0.0 0.0) (70 . 8) (40 . 0.0) (41 . 0.0) (210 0.0 0.0 1.0) (71 . 0) (72 . 0) (73 . 0) (74 . 0) (75 . 0) )) (mapcar '(lambda (point) (append '( (0 . "VERTEX") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (100 . "AcDbVertex") (100 . "AcDb3dPolylineVertex") ) (list (cons 10 point)) '( (40 . 0.0) (41 . 0.0) (42 . 0.0) (70 . 32) (50 . 0.0) (71 . 0) (72 . 0) (73 . 0) (74 . 0) ) ) ) PointList ) '(( (0 . "SEQEND") (100 . "AcDbEntity") )) ) (entmake definition) ) (not (eq (entlast) lastent)) ) ; subs ;; ! *************************************************************************** ;; ! LI_item ;; ! *************************************************************************** ;; ! Function : Returns the first occurence of a DXF dotted pair from a list ;; ! Argument : 'n' - The DXF code to check ;; ! 'alist' - The List to check ;; ! Returns : The value of the DXF dotted pair, if it exists else returns nil ;; ! Update : December 26, 1998 (defun LI_item (n alist) (cdr (assoc n alist)) ) ;; ! **************************************************************************** ;; ! PL_DividedPoints ;; ! **************************************************************************** ;; ! Function : Returns the points obtained by dividing the given polyline ;; ! (either in 'entity' form or list form ) ;; ! Arguments: ;; ! 'ename' - Polyline Object name or list [ overloaded ] ;; ! 'NumSegs' - Number of segments to divide the polyline into ;; ! 'prevPt' - The previous point digitized ;; ! Updated : April 26, 1999 ;; ! Copyright: (C) 2000, Four Dimension Technologies, Singapore ;; ! Contact : [email][/email] for help/support/info ;(defun PL_DividedPoints ( ename NumSegs / vlist ss p1 p2 OS ) (defun PL_DividedPoints ( ename NumSegs ) (setq OS (getvar "OSMODE")) (setvar "OSMODE" 0) (if (= (type ename) 'ENAME) (progn (command "._Divide" ename NumSegs) (setq vlist (PL_plist ename) p1 (car vlist) p2 (last vlist) ss (ssget "P") ) ) (progn (setq vlist ename p1 (car vlist) p2 (last vlist) ename (PL_mk_pl vlist 8 0.0) ) (command "._Divide" ename NumSegs) (setq ss (ssget "P")) (entdel ename) )) (if ss (progn (setq vlist (cons p1 (SS_SS2Pt ss)) vlist (append vlist (list p2)) ) (command "._Erase" ss "") ) (setq vlist nil) ) (setvar "OSMODE" OS) vlist ) ;; ! **************************************************************************** ;; ! PL_plist ;; ! **************************************************************************** ;; ! Function : Return list of points from an LWPOLYLINE or POLYLINE ;; ! Arguments: ;; ! 'ename' - The entity name of the polyline, line, 3dface or ;; ! spline. In case of a SPLINE, the fit points are ;; ! returned. ;; ! Action : Returns a list of all fit points of the polyline ;; ! Does not return the control points of splione polylines ;; ! or SPLINE objects. ;; ! Returns : List of all points (3D format) ;; ! Updated : Septemer 22, 1998 ;; ! Copyright: (C) 2000, Four Dimension Technologies, Singapore ;; ! Contact : [email][/email] for help/support/info (defun PL_plist ( ename / en entl flag vlist pt Elev ) (setq vlist '() entl (entget ename) en (LI_item 0 entl) ) (cond ((= en "LWPOLYLINE") (setq vlist '() Elev (LI_item 38 entl) ) (foreach pt entl (if (= (car pt) 10) (setq vlist (cons (list (cadr pt) (caddr pt) Elev) vlist)) ) ) ) ((= en "SPLINE") (setq vlist (LI_mitem 11 entl)) ) ((= en "POLYLINE") (setq ename (entnext ename) entl (entget ename) en (LI_item 0 entl) vlist '() ) (while (= en "VERTEX") (setq flag (LI_item 70 entl)) (if (and (zerop (logand flag 1)) (zerop (logand flag 2)) (zerop (logand flag 8)) (/= flag 128) ) (setq pt (LI_item 10 entl) vlist (cons pt vlist) ) ) (setq ename (entnext ename) entl (entget ename) en (LI_item 0 entl) ) ) ) ((= en "LINE") (setq vlist (list (LI_item 10 entl) (LI_item 11 entl))) ) ((= en "3DFACE") (setq vlist (list (LI_item 10 entl) (LI_item 11 entl) (LI_item 12 entl) (LI_item 13 entl) ) ) ) ) (if vlist (reverse vlist) nil) ) ;; ! **************************************************************************** * ;; ! SS_ss2pt ;; ! **************************************************************************** * ;; ! Function : Convert Selection Set of points to Points List ;; ! Arguments: 'ss' - Selection Set to process ;; ! Return : A List of all DXF Code 10 values from the selection set entities ;; ! Updated : December 30, 1998 ;; ! Copyright: (C) 2000, Four Dimension Technologies, Singapore ;; ! Contact : [email][/email] for help/support/info (defun SS_ss2pt ( ss / ssl cnt ename entl pt Lst ) (setq Lst '()) (if ss (progn (setq ssl (sslength ss) cnt 0 ) (repeat ssl (setq ename (ssname ss cnt) entl (entget ename) pt (LI_item 10 entl) Lst (append Lst (list pt)) cnt (1+ cnt) ) ) )) (if (> (length Lst) 0) Lst nil) ) ; gent returns the entity name of the item picked (defun gent () (setq entn (entsel)) (setq entcodes (entget (car entn))) (setq entpt (cadr entn)) (setq entt (cdr (assoc 0 entcodes))) ) ; ass returns the (cdr (assoc n)) of the the item. (ass 10) => (10 . 1 2 3) (defun ass (code / ) (cdr (assoc code entcodes)) )