2D vss 3D vss nD...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by David Kozina, Feb 18, 2004.

  1. David Kozina

    David Kozina Guest

    I found out yesterday that trying to make a variant with set of 3D points
    (unwittingly) that should have been 2D and then use that variant to create a
    LightweightPolyline object didn't have the outcome I quite expected.

    "What the...?!" :-@

    I tracked down the trouble in a 'Point/Vector addition' subroutine, which
    automatically converted and then later output my 2D point list to a 3D point
    list - which wasn't what I wanted to do in this case. I fixed it for this
    particular problem, but I think it could be better.

    So I was wondering what you people do to keep the dimensions correct - and
    *especially* if you may be working with 'mixed dimension types', such as
    adding a 2D xy vector to a set of 3D xyz points. If you use mapcar '+ for
    this, you end up with a 2D pointlist when perhaps you really need those z

    When doing this type of point manipulation, have you found it best to
    define/use a series of routines, like '1dVectorAdd', '2dVectorAdd',
    '3dVectorAdd', etc. - OR - would it be better to create and use one routine
    'VectorAdd', along with a desired output 'dimension' argument, perhaps like
    (VectorAdd _vec _pts 2) - so that no matter *what* the input vector or point
    list dimension happens to be, the output will be as indicated?

    I'm leaning toward the second, since it seems to be a more 'all-encompasing'
    solution (and fewer routines to keep track of), but I don't know if that
    neccessarily results in better - faster/more readable/etc. - or worse code.

    If this seems like a silly question or just a rehash of old topics, forgive
    me, I've been gone awhile and feel a bit out of practice.

    Mind you, I'm not necessarily looking for actual code, just some
    opinions/reasons on what you consider to be good coding practice for this
    sort of thing.

    Many thanks,
    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Feb 18, 2004
  2. David Kozina

    BillZ Guest

    BillZ, Feb 18, 2004
  3. I keep my points as lists until I get to the point where I *need* the array.
    At that point (groan!) I create the array for the subsequent statement and
    then forget about the array.

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    I found out yesterday that trying to make a variant with set of 3D points
    (unwittingly) that should have been 2D and then use that variant to create a
    LightweightPolyline object didn't have the outcome I quite expected.

    "What the...?!" :-@

    I tracked down the trouble in a 'Point/Vector addition' subroutine, which
    automatically converted and then later output my 2D point list to a 3D point
    list - which wasn't what I wanted to do in this case. I fixed it for this
    particular problem, but I think it could be better.

    So I was wondering what you people do to keep the dimensions correct - and
    *especially* if you may be working with 'mixed dimension types', such as
    adding a 2D xy vector to a set of 3D xyz points. If you use mapcar '+ for
    this, you end up with a 2D pointlist when perhaps you really need those z

    When doing this type of point manipulation, have you found it best to
    define/use a series of routines, like '1dVectorAdd', '2dVectorAdd',
    '3dVectorAdd', etc. - OR - would it be better to create and use one routine
    'VectorAdd', along with a desired output 'dimension' argument, perhaps like
    (VectorAdd _vec _pts 2) - so that no matter *what* the input vector or point
    list dimension happens to be, the output will be as indicated?

    I'm leaning toward the second, since it seems to be a more 'all-encompasing'
    solution (and fewer routines to keep track of), but I don't know if that
    neccessarily results in better - faster/more readable/etc. - or worse code.

    If this seems like a silly question or just a rehash of old topics, forgive
    me, I've been gone awhile and feel a bit out of practice.

    Mind you, I'm not necessarily looking for actual code, just some
    opinions/reasons on what you consider to be good coding practice for this
    sort of thing.

    Many thanks,
    David Kozina
    R. Robert Bell, Feb 18, 2004
  4. David Kozina

    David Kozina Guest


    Thanks for the reference - much appreciated.

    This is what I came up with for 2D<>3D point conversion, which should help
    when mapcar'd to point lists and so forth BEFORE making other arithmetic
    manipulations, like adding a 2d vector to a 3d point list, or before
    creating an array function.

    Does anyone/everyone have other suggestions for improvement?

    ; force a 2D or 3D point to a specific dimension
    (defun ForceDPt
    (_pt ; xy or xyz point
    dims ; number of dimensions (2 or 3) for output
    ; begin
    ; ...determine dimension
    (if (eq dims 3)
    ; then
    ; ...is point 3D?
    (if (caddr _pt)
    ; then return it as is
    ; else add z=0 value
    (reverse (cons 0 (reverse _pt)))
    );_end if
    ; else
    ; ...is point 3D?
    (if (caddr _pt)
    ; then return xy portion
    (list (car _pt) (cadr _pt))
    ; else return it as is
    );_end if
    );_end if
    ; end
    );_end defun
    David Kozina, Feb 18, 2004
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