2D to 3D conversion

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SR, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. SR

    SR Guest

    I'm struggling a bit to understand the best way to convert a 2D DWG to
    a 3D model using the 2D to 3D conversion method outlined in help. The
    problem I run into is after I have extracted my sketches to represent
    my front, top and right views, the sketches are automatically offset
    making it difficult to extude. If I extrude the front sketch to a
    point on a adjacent sketch (top or right) I'm left with material
    between the intended sketches. Is there anyway to specify the
    extrusion as following the perpendicular sketch? or do I need to
    create new planes?
    SR, Dec 10, 2003
  2. SR

    JJ Guest

    It sounds as if you are talking about things the 'Align' tool on the 2D to
    3D conversion palette provides. Have you reviewed the Help file?

    JJ, Dec 10, 2003
  3. SR

    Jarocki Guest

    as I know, 2D to 3D conversion is not an easy and automated task. You can do
    only conversion of basic primitives and not too sophisticated solids.

    The best tool for such converstion is Bentley Microstation (? - or another
    Bentley application ; I don't remember which).
    Jarocki, Dec 10, 2003
  4. if you extrude from more then one view with option "Merge result"
    un-checked. then use the command combine on both views bodies "Common"
    checked as the option. Combine is not on the tool bar as default.
    tools\customize\commands\features\"Combine". what you are left with is
    the intersection from 2,3,4,5,6.... views mabey. remember to measure
    the dimensions that show up on the drawing to what is drawing in 2d.
    somtimes its better to translate the writen drawing by looking at it.
    If you are planning on making major changes to what was 2d when 3d.
    but if the only need is to use it in an assembly and drawing. then 2D
    to 3D conversion will do a good job.
    Sean Phillips, Dec 11, 2003
  5. SR

    SR Guest


    Believe me I have read what's in help several times. The Align tool is
    used to define a planar alignment. The specific question I have can be
    seen if you go into the help topic "2D to 3D Conversion Overview". At
    the top of this article it has an "> Example" button. If you scroll
    down to where you it says "Extrude the base feature" and shows a blue
    solid being created - my question is how do you define the starting
    plane for the solid when the profile (or sketch) is offset? The
    profile in blue highlight is actually offset from what appears to be
    the front sketch where the original data is. Do you have to create
    this plane or can you offset extrude?
    SR, Dec 11, 2003
  6. SR

    Greg Guest


    When you extrude from the front view select a point in the top or
    right view to start the extrude, then start the extrude command from
    the 2D to 3D toolbar, select a point to end the extrude. I believe
    this is what you are looking for.

    Greg, Dec 11, 2003
  7. SR

    SR Guest


    I am confident you know what it is I'm trying to do, but I need a
    little more clarification:

    1. Select the Front view sketch (this highlights the sketch)
    2. Select Extrude from 2D ro 3D toolbar
    3. The default option for Extrude 'Direction' is "Blind"
    4. Select a point in the Top or Right view. This changes Extrude
    'Direction' option to "Up to Vertex" - this isn't right though because
    it's not offset from front sketch.

    What Direction option are you using to be able to select a start
    vertex and end vertex? I have tried every Direction option in the
    Extrude PropertyManager. Are you holding down a Shift key or

    SR, Dec 12, 2003
  8. SR

    SR Guest

    Greg or someone? Please Help!

    SR, Dec 19, 2003
  9. SR

    JJ Guest

    The key, (and Greg's message does point this out), is to pick both the
    sketch segments and the start point which resides on the other sketch before
    choosing the extrude command. In other words, step 4 becomes step 2.

    The SW Help has a section on this if you search on "Extruding in 2D to 3D"
    and it includes an example.

    Good luck.

    JJ, Dec 19, 2003
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