2d iges files

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WormSign, May 9, 2007.

  1. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    We are trying to quote a government job. The RFQ package include your
    typical .c4 files as well as .igs files and a new one on me...u1 files. The
    iges files are actually 2d drawings, how do I open these in Solidworks and
    print them for quoting. Using the 'known' method I get a couple of 2d
    sketches but no dimensions or title block. We had a very old version of
    DrafixCAD and had some success opening the files in it but the geometry
    would be in one area, the dimensions in another area and the title block
    would be smaller than the geometry. Any advice on the iges files and or the
    ..u1 files?

    WormSign, May 9, 2007
  2. WormSign

    WormSign Guest

    Thanks John,
    I got to looking around here and found our Mechanical Desktop 5 cd. It did
    install okay on XP and imported the iges files so I was able to plot. Maybe
    I was a bit quick in canceling the autodesk mantaince contract?
    WormSign, May 9, 2007
  3. WormSign

    TOP Guest

    IGES 2D is not obsolete. SW just never bothered with it. This left SW
    out of the automotive arena for a long time.

    TOP, May 9, 2007
  4. WormSign

    New to SW Guest

    Think theres no way with SW but try the free "Solid Edge 2D drafting" from
    Idont know the .u1 file format but think this will be closes you will get to
    2D with parasolid.
    download from http://www.solidedge.eu.com/isapi/pagegen.dll/setlang
    New to SW, May 13, 2007
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