2008 Upgrade Training

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    I'm planning an upgrade from 2006 to 2008. I know the UI has changed
    quite a bit. Do you think it's changed enough to require some type of
    formal training. Maybe 1/2 day or full day?
    Dave, Nov 1, 2007
  2. Dave

    j Guest

    I wouldn't think formal training would really be necessary. Perhaps time
    to set up the UI to how it was in 2006 or real close to it would
    probably be more beneficial than formal training. It can be customized
    and changed to just about how it was in 2006 or 2007. Or just give the
    users some extra time for a week to get used to the new UI. The initial
    shock of the UI is something that makes the power user say WTF was SW
    thinking and changed it the way they did. After using it with some minor
    customizing, it actually isn't all that bad and in some places faster.
    Pick a plane or face in a part and a pop up menu has a sketch command on
    it as well as some other menu items that would be possible with the
    mouse pick you just did.
    j, Nov 1, 2007
  3. My plan here is to have a sit-down session with everyone at the same time.
    There new UI is different enough that most people will hate it at first.
    But as others have mentioned, once you learn it a bit, you can most probably
    be faster with it. I figure that my demonstrating some things for an hour
    or so will cut their discovery time way down.

    There will still be slower times to start, no doubt, but I feel that to
    right away change it to look and act as close to 2007 is a mistake. The
    changes were not arbitrary just to screw with the users, but were done with
    improved usability as the goal. The fact that more commands are available
    quicker with less mouse travel and clicks does offer a working improvement.
    To refuse to give it a chance is short-sighting yourself and your users, and
    in effect, admitting that learning a possibly faster method is not worth the

    I always remember a cartoon that I saw years ago about a gladiator type
    soldier being tapped on the shoulder while in the thick of fighting a
    battle. His comment was that obviously he was busy with a fight - he didn't
    have time for any pesky salesmen. Off to the right we see that the salesman
    was holding a Gatling gun.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 1, 2007
  4. Dave

    Anna Wood Guest

    Well said Wayne....

    I am thinking of a lunch and learn session with the guys. An hour or
    so to show them the basics of the new UI and how they can customize it
    and then we will cut them loose.

    The new UI is a shock but if you give yourself some time to use it and
    customize to take advantage of the new features I believe it is worth
    the effort.


    Anna Wood, Nov 2, 2007
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