2008 Bugs

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by AlDman, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. AlDman

    AlDman Guest

    I've recently upgraded to 2008, (against my better judgement, I loaded
    e-drawings 2008 to see a clients file and it screwed up e-drawings in
    PDMworks) and am unable to highlight a temporary axis in a drawing.
    Has anyone else noticed this or found a work around? My VAR says the
    developers know about it and are working on a fix but the loss of such
    basic functionality is discouraging. I searched this newsgroup to get
    others impressions of 2008 stability but most of the conversation
    seemed off topic
    AlDman, Jul 3, 2008
  2. AlDman

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. saw this behavior as well. you can pick the temporary axis.
    it just APPEARS like you haven't.
    seriously, try it.

    bob z.
    bob zee, Jul 3, 2008
  3. Most likely your dynamic highlight got turned off - it does that
    periodically. Go look at the setting for Display/Selection - Dynamic
    highlight from graphics view. Also check the other one, while you are
    there, under FeaatureManager.


    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 3, 2008
  4. AlDman

    AlDman Guest

    Nope turned both those on but still can't get a temporary axis to
    highlight when selected. Unless it's the same color highlighted as
    normal but I have the default colors selected and cant seem to alter
    it. I can change the color of a temp axis but still can't see it when
    selected. Can't imagine this has persisted to sp04.
    AlDman, Jul 3, 2008
  5. AlDman

    jlbeen Guest

    HELLO !!??
    Listen to Bob Zee. It only APPEARS to not be selected. It actually
    is (or so it has been my experience) selected. Just click as if you
    are selecting it and assume it is. Make your next selection and
    proceed as normal.
    jlbeen, Jul 3, 2008
  6. HELLO !!??
    Listen to Bob Zee. It only APPEARS to not be selected. It actually
    is (or so it has been my experience) selected. Just click as if you
    are selecting it and assume it is. Make your next selection and
    proceed as normal.

    Ok, but it still begs the question as to why I can see them selected and he
    can not, whether SW actually has it selected or not.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 3, 2008
  7. wrote:
    I'm only one 3.0 but haven' noticed this problem. Perhaps it is a video card
    issue. Check on the SW site to make sure you have an approved 2008 driver.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Jul 3, 2008
  8. AlDman

    AlDman Guest

    Thanks for all the comments.
    jlbeen, I know it only appears not to be selected, you can still align
    to it, but you can't be sure you picked the one you wanted, no less
    debilitating. Jerry: my graphics card appears to be approved be SW, GE
    Force 7900 GS. I would hope upgrading to 2008 wouldn't force a
    graphics card purchase. And Daisy, I always try the simplest fix
    first. No matter what color you set construction geometry to they
    don't highlight to another color when picked. The question now is: Is
    this the first of many bugs in 2008. Should I return to 2007 before I
    change too many models for this to be possible? When will Solidworks
    test new versions before releasing them?
    AlDman, Jul 4, 2008
  9. AlDman

    Krister_L Guest

    Jerry: my graphics card appears to be approved be SW, GE
    I don't think any of the GeForce cards are approved by SW. Those are
    gaming cards. Go for a Quadro instead.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Jul 4, 2008
  10. AlDman

    AlDman Guest

    AlDman, Jul 4, 2008
  11. AlDman

    Krister_L Guest

    Yes...under tested but not recommended
    Krister_L, Jul 4, 2008
  12. AlDman

    Krister_L Guest

    Sorry.....last post went off too early. As I said before it's under
    tested but not recommended, and as far as I can see the none of the
    GeForce's has passed the tests for SW 2008 or SW2009
    Krister_L, Jul 4, 2008
  13. AlDman

    pfarnham Guest

    LOL, even the recommended cards do not work correctly with Solidworks.
    I spent mega bucks getting a recommended one, Nvidia 3400, when they
    came out and guess what?
    It did and still does, shows the same errors as an Nvidia 1400 go
    card, pmsl

    Do NOT get a new card, instead sent the files to someone you trust,
    (with a recommended card), and see in they have the same errors.
    I bet they will see the same thing.

    It seems that Solidworks files behaves differently on every different
    and even on the same system, as each day passes!

    NOW for the Solidworks lovers out there, this is NOT all Solidworks
    fault, yes............. you read this line correctly!

    Talk to your VAR about the registery tip about renaming the Solidwork
    entry, nooo... not the current user entry, but the local machine one,
    when logged in as LOCAL administrator.

    Here's another one, when upgrading releases and even when using the
    service packs, you MUST be logged in as the LOCAL machine
    administrator, not the domain administrator or as the user.
    This solved, a good 70% of problems and errors, that I was seeing.

    Sort of stuffs up the settings, if you use the image file on a domain
    server, as then you are not on a LOCAL admin account.

    Copy the FULL, downloaded files, onto your local machine.
    Log on, using only the LOCAL administrator account, even if you have
    an administrator account.
    Really, they do work differently.
    Then do a repair using the Solidworks installation manager.

    Have a good day !
    pfarnham, Jul 7, 2008
  14. AlDman

    AlDman Guest

    Makes me want to paraphrase Bones: I'm a mechanical engineer Jim not
    an IT administrator. No mention of any of this in the upgrade
    instructions. I'll run it past our IT guy next time he's up from
    The solidworks users should stop upgrading. The pressure to upgrade
    comes from the need to transfer files not the need for any functional
    enhancements. I think there's a few technocrats with way too much free
    time that upgrade. Working engineers don't want to. Just say no to
    AlDman, Jul 14, 2008
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