2008 Beta Registration is now open

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Sign up today to participate in the SolidWorks 2008 Beta program. We
    have added over 200 enhancements to SolidWorks 2008 to help designers
    better Focus on Design, and not CAD, reuse their existing designs to
    save time and design with confidence. This year, for the first time
    ever, the grand prize winner will receive a full commercial copy of
    SolidWorks 2008 Office Premium and a one year subscription service.

    To register, visit http://beta.solidworks.com

    SolidWorks Product Management
    mbiasotti, Apr 10, 2007
  2. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    neilscad, Apr 10, 2007
  3. mbiasotti

    Bo Guest

    Please no arrows, but...I haven't finished my own Beta Testing of 2006.
    Bo, Apr 10, 2007
  4. mbiasotti

    bob zee Guest

    /A deterrent to unauthorized use of SolidWorks products with a minimal
    effect on you, our loyal customer/

    hee-hee. a deterrent to one and a detriment to others.

    bob z.
    bob zee, Apr 10, 2007
  5. mbiasotti

    jie Guest

    jie, Apr 10, 2007
  6. mbiasotti

    Nev Williams Guest

    Nev Williams, Apr 13, 2007
  7. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    hi Nev
    I hardly ever stop by here to see whats happening (seems pretty dead
    anyway) but my 'ABOUT BLOODY TIME' response was actually for them
    offering SWPre as a main prize for beta testing....now if they would
    give second and third something similar and the top 10 free subs and
    the top 25 subs 50% discounts or some other imaginative incentive ;)
    they would actually be listening to feedback of the nature given in
    2003! and it hardly costs them anything after all...

    Re the licence from what I can gleen it just means phoning home to
    track which pc its active on I think.
    whats your issue with it? required internet connection? big brother?

    I am holding off SW for some while yet - vista has been a
    disappointment re openGL etc so far and I am still following quad
    developments before committing to new hardware (mostly for rendering
    exciting....plus it would be just more of the same tiresome bug battle
    I gave up already ;)

    cheers Neil
    neilscad, Apr 13, 2007
  8. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    Get real Neil!

    charming fellow...gosh I miss it here ;)

    well so you visit the SW site and in a few secs its tracked....how
    many times a day do you anticipate changing/moving between home and
    office? or are you paying for one and using two? ;)
    probably you spend 10 times longer checking junk email after each
    logon...to me it seems like a good attempt at an antipiracy
    soln...after all you pay big $ for SW why make it easy for others to
    have it for free?

    Ah yes it seems logical there is no problem if you dont upgrade but
    admittedly its not esp helpful :)
    They gotcha there...
    Why not post to the SW forum (sorry i don't go there either) about it
    and lead a popular rebellion if it is so irksome...
    neilscad, Apr 13, 2007
  9. mbiasotti

    j Guest

    Its that way now once you go to SW 2007 SP3.0 The one thing that SW does
    let you do is to have one serial number activated TWICE. Once at work
    and once at home without having to borrow either one.
    j, Apr 13, 2007
  10. mbiasotti

    j Guest

    You can activate the software twice. Once for your work computer and
    once for your home computer. How many companies let you do that LEGALLY.
    j, Apr 13, 2007
  11. mbiasotti

    Bo Guest

    Neil, given the headaches of keeping Win XP tip top, I simply don't
    ever put my PC online any more. In fact, mine hasn't been online
    since I moved in a new hard drive & did the initial MS updates 2 years
    back. Thus, I do wonder what SolidWorks 2008 would require.

    The automatic assumption that users in this day and age will put up
    with major wasted hours on our professional hardware is a bit naive.
    When I do access the Internet I go on my Mac, but if I was "All
    Windows", I would simply have another cheap PC do the access (like my
    $599 MacMini with WinXP).

    Given the problems Windows has staying at high performance for 3D CAD,
    my opinion is there is no valid business reason for allowing such a
    workstation on the Internet. It is just asking for major wasted
    hours, and lost business profits.

    How much? Any designer worth his salt gets billed out around $50-$100
    per hour. The last time I switched hard drives and reinstalled
    everything from scratch from CDs/DVDs plus something over 100 updates,
    & downloads for both firmware & software it was 20 hours. I have
    heard of malware & other problems causing users about 4-8 hrs per
    month (indeed this is just from users statements, no science), & some
    have said 15+ hours per month.

    Thus if a designer looses 50-100 hours per year, his firm loses $2500
    to $10,000 per year because Windows takes so danged much time to
    maintain, update and fix. Some people spend a lot more than that.

    Some users spend minimal time doing maintainance, and their machines
    don't run as fast as they should. That is an insidious productivity
    loss to tolerate, just because of lax policy. If I had to maintain a
    group of 3D CAD workstations, I would run a speed test every week to
    make sure that performance levels were maintained.

    Now we have Microsoft forcing people to upgrade to VISTA, as articles
    have recently noted MS people visiting computer stores and yanking all
    the remaining XP OS disks off the shelves. I have heard of companies
    shooting themselves before, but now I am truly convinced that Gates &
    Ballmer have done something that will alter many PC users view of MS

    Forcing people today to buy VISTA, when it is not ready for Prime Time
    is a severe blow against your customers. Forcing users to buy an OS
    that is even higher priced than the prior version and comes in as many
    models as Chevrolet has cars is just nuts.

    For the first time, I am actually thinking of never leaving Win XP,
    and just finishing out the rest of my SolidWorks years on 2006 or
    2007. If I really have to move beyond that, I'll analyze it years
    down the road.

    Bo, Apr 13, 2007
  12. mbiasotti

    Cam Guest

    Get real Neil!

    This is a major pain in the ass for those that spread their work day around
    home and work.

    I'm told that if I don't upgrade, I'll be fine. Go figure.
    Cam, Apr 14, 2007
  13. mbiasotti

    Nev Williams Guest

    You are missing the point.

    Most times when I work at a clients, I do not have internet access and I do
    not expect them to go thru all the IT setup, just to get me on the internet
    to be able to use MY software, that has been BOUGHT and PAID for (well the
    licence to use it has been paid for).

    Now if I have to do other work at home for that night or the next day for
    another client - I'm screwed.
    For me this is just a another level of obfuscation and FUD and complication.

    There is a principle called "Ockhams Razor" which still holds true today

    Ockhams Razor - the principle pronounced by the English theologian and
    philosopher Willam of Ockham (c.1285-1349) that, other things beings equal,
    simpler of two explanations is to be preferred.

    This over reaction by SWX/Dassault is not going to stop people who are going
    to use the software in illegal ways - whether it is a legit licence used on
    multiple machines or cracked software.

    Nev Williams, Apr 14, 2007
  14. mbiasotti

    bob zee Guest

    SWX is making money off of their software. This is true. It has to
    be. How could they continue to put out software that was 'almost
    there' after all of these years and still not make money? So, by them
    putting out software that phones home is only to make some brownie
    points with SOMEONE that says, "look at me. i am special. i phone


    bob z.
    bob zee, Apr 16, 2007
  15. Given the problems Windows has staying at high performance for 3D CAD,
    What are you one of the "I've got to make money" fanatics? What a
    strange idea about efficiency you have. Deeply misguided ideas about
    needing productivity. Please.

    Sheesh, if they want you to set it up on the internet and it slows you
    down, that's your problem for needing performance.

    Perhaps you are not looking at this correctly and need to reduce the
    size and complexity of the work you do.

    Ok - please think about this.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Apr 21, 2007
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