2007 SP4.0 Frequent crashes?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave Adams, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. Dave Adams

    Dave Adams Guest

    Hi folks;

    We just upgraded to 2007 two weeks ago, immediately installed SP4.0,
    and started using it more frequently just this week.

    I'm noticing frequent crashes on this particular version; two today
    for example, both in assembly mode. We were running 2006 SP4.0 prior
    to this and I can't remember that last time that crashed here.

    Anyone else having this problem?

    -Dave Adams-
    Dave Adams, Sep 28, 2007
  2. Dave Adams

    zxys Guest


    Sorry,... it's Friday! 8^)

    Anyhow, you'll most likely have to "rename your SolidWorks registry
    key and reboot" or do a "clean" install to eliminate any other

    (do a search on the above)

    zxys, Sep 28, 2007
  3. Dave Adams

    zxys Guest

  4. Dave Adams

    TOP Guest

    I would say one a day is par for the course. Worse than that are the
    slowdowns. I cannot explain why it just slows to a crawl from time to

    TOP, Sep 29, 2007
  5. Dave Adams

    neil Guest

  6. Dave Adams

    neil Guest

    neil, Sep 29, 2007
  7. Dave Adams

    jon_banquer Guest

    I crash about once per day as well. I just accept it. Doesn't mean
    others should just that I do.
    jon_banquer, Sep 29, 2007
  8. Dave Adams

    gk Guest

    gk, Sep 30, 2007
  9. Dave Adams

    jon_banquer Guest

    As per usual you contribute no content, Gary.

    Is this because you're in pain from braking your back trying to blow
    jon_banquer, Sep 30, 2007
  10. Dave Adams

    Dave Adams Guest

    First, thanks to everyone who responded.

    John: Multiple thanks to you.
    I updated the drivers for my graphics card (had to do it manually
    since XP insisted it wasn't necessary) and the problem seems to have
    gone away after several days of use.

    -Dave Adams-
    Dave Adams, Oct 10, 2007
  11. Dave Adams

    Cliff Guest

    Naturally, YOU are doing somethig wrong to the demos.
    Cliff, Oct 14, 2007
  12. Dave Adams

    Cliff Guest

    "**** off and die with your whining bullshit asshole." seemed ...
    Cliff, Oct 14, 2007
  13. Dave Adams

    D Murphy Guest

    What happened?

    Premature ejaculation?
    D Murphy, Oct 15, 2007
  14. Dave Adams

    J. Carroll Guest

    It's only premature if you are on the recieving end Dan.


    John R. Carroll
    Machining Solution Software, Inc.
    Los Angeles San Francisco
    J. Carroll, Oct 15, 2007
  15. Dave Adams

    D Murphy Guest


    At least it wasn't my leg he was humping.
    D Murphy, Oct 15, 2007
  16. Dave Adams

    J. Carroll Guest

    I thought I said that.
    J. Carroll, Oct 15, 2007
  17. Dave Adams

    Cliff Guest

    Somebody left off a group IIRC. I just copied from
    the earlierl post to jb & added back the xpostiing <G>.
    The quotation marks were a clue.

    Cliff, Oct 15, 2007
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