2007 crash crash crash

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. I keep getting a CTD with a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    runtime error dialog.
    I get two dialogs that say the same thing and then a CTD.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 31, 2006
  2. RaceBikesOrWork

    bobzee1 Guest

    bob z. just installed swx2007 at home (to test before installing at
    work). the microsoft dot net framework failed to install and swx CTD's
    instantly - every time. bob z. knows this doesn't help you, but just
    thought he would share some of the calamity.

    a reboot (or two) and a repair of existing installation AND a critical
    patch update for m$ dot net still has not resolved this issue.

    is product activation at fault? how does good ol' bob z. go about
    doing the product activation? swx won't stay running long enough to
    find a button that says, "click me for activation!"

    bob z.
    p.s. what do you do for money, honey? where do you get your kicks?
    bobzee1, Aug 31, 2006
  3. RaceBikesOrWork

    j Guest

    Someone on the SW corp forum was saying that they were getting the
    Runtime error in 2007 when they were using a spaceball. Unloading the
    drivers stopped them. Maybe 3DConnexion needs to get updated drivers for
    2007 now.
    j, Aug 31, 2006
  4. I don't have a spaceball.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 31, 2006
  5. It happens randomly, but now I have one assembly that it is repeatable.
    Open asm, right click on part, select open part, POOF
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 31, 2006
  6. It only repeated if the part is lightweight, if I resolve it I can get
    it open.
    My handicap is down to a 47 now.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 31, 2006
  7. The first thing I do when trying to decipher stuff like that is to turn off
    all add-ins and then try loading again.

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 31, 2006
  8. I already tried that.

    I got it to work for awhile by selecting a different config, but now
    that doesn't work.

    Things are griding to a halt, lets see, if I restore my backups and
    lose 4 days work .... I can make it up over the holiday weekend!!!!!!!
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 31, 2006
  9. You have a repeatable assy - can you send it to me with the parts and I will
    try it on mine. I have not seen the problem with 2007. Have you Rx'd that
    file and sent it to your VAR?
    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 31, 2006
  10. Yea, all that.
    There are working on it.
    I would send it to you but its big.
    Might as well go home now and get a ride in... I will be busy catching
    up this weekend if I can get it working.
    Man, I never would install SP0, but things went soooo welllll for the
    first 3 days and gosh all those new functionabnormalites.
    If only I would have been as lucky as bob z.
    I wonder what bob z. thinks of the whole beta - release process.
    How could they release something if even one beta bugger had a
    breakdown such as this?
    RaceBikesOrWork, Aug 31, 2006
  11. RaceBikesOrWork

    j Guest

    Theres also a 2007SP0 Fix on the download area that has something to do
    with parts loading lightweight and messing up properties in configurations.
    j, Aug 31, 2006
  12. RaceBikesOrWork

    CS Guest

    Go to the task manager and kill process Windows Search Indexer. I have
    had it cause SolidWorks to crash upon start.

    CS, Aug 31, 2006
  13. RaceBikesOrWork

    FlowerPot Guest

    Could also be the automatic email feature if you don't use Outlook. I
    use Mozilla Tbird and sometimes on install the switch gets thrown, even
    though I tell it not to. You have to go into the registry to turn it off.
    FlowerPot, Aug 31, 2006
  14. RaceBikesOrWork

    behoerner Guest

    New to this game, what is a CTD?
    behoerner, Aug 31, 2006
  15. RaceBikesOrWork

    behoerner Guest

    Never mind, got it, Crash to Desktop, figures
    behoerner, Aug 31, 2006
  16. I didn't install the desktop search thing. hmmm..... it just seems
    like one of those enhancements none of us needed enhanced.
    I didn't turn on the performance reporting thing.
    Is anybody using a Microsoft Sidewinder Commander with SW2007?
    I am going to try to uninstall that.
    We are gonna try uninstall/clean registry/reinstall SW2007 fresh if
    that doesn't work, even though that has never fixed any problem in the
    history of SW.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Sep 1, 2006
  17. RaceBikesOrWork

    TOP Guest

    Actually it is more properly CTDT. Search the NG with Google and you
    will find a lot of them.
    TOP, Sep 1, 2006
  18. RaceBikesOrWork

    Bo Guest

    I'm not an IT guy, and just want to WORK. I have no time to or
    intention of studying 266 pages or 566 pages of pdfs on how to tweak,
    reset, edit Registries, use VM on separate partitions, etc. just to
    keep SolidWorks running half way OK.

    Hence, to keep SWks working right w/o problems, I have had to keep my
    SolidWorks off the internet, and the following is what I do. It has
    virtually eliminated CTDT.

    1. Load a fresh clean XP2 installation on a new hard drive
    2. Go online behind a firewall & good malware program like Bit
    Defender Pro if you must get XP2 updates, and then get off & stay off.
    3. I install SolidWorks and the very few utilities I need (MSOffice,
    SnagIT, Winzip)
    4. I don't connect to my network, either, because FireWire hard drives
    and USB flash keys have made file transfers unnecessary.

    This type of procedure means you don't screw up your prior installs or
    data, so you NEVER screw up existing work in progress, while you test
    out a new version of SolidWorks.

    Sleep Easy -- Bo
    Bo, Sep 1, 2006
  19. RaceBikesOrWork

    FlowerPot Guest

    give it a rest, jughead, we're sick of your same old story. windows
    isn't as hard as you say, and mac sucks just as much, it just has less
    scrutiny because of its tiny market share.
    FlowerPot, Sep 1, 2006
  20. RaceBikesOrWork

    CS Guest

    Actually it nolonger e-mails. 2007 uses an web based system for
    sending these now so e-mail is no-longer an issue.
    CS, Sep 1, 2006
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