2006 LT plotting on HP 970Cse Deskjet

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dave Johnson, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. Dave Johnson

    Dave Johnson Guest

    Coming from AutoCAD 11 where I can plot in portrait or landscape mode and
    rotate to get what I want. Now I've got 2006LT and seem to have "lost" the
    plot rotation capability ... or don't know how to do it.

    I'm selecting the plot area using a window of a long vertical slim horz area
    on a drawing
    and printing it in both Portrait & Landscape paper settings.

    What I want is the long vertical printed up-down on 8 1/2 x 11 paper when
    set to Portrait.

    What I get (when holding the paper landscape wise) is plot vertical aligned
    with the 8 1/2" axis ... plotted either paper mode.

    I think I have the latest HP driver installed .... but it appears AutoCAD
    has its own drivers which seem to be used.

    Any ideas how to accomplish plotting in both portrait - landscape modes
    achieving 90 degree rotation of the drawing area?

    Dave Johnson, Feb 7, 2006
  2. Dave Johnson

    Dave Johnson Guest

    Thanks Bill,

    Gosh, I had missed that. I was clicking on PROPERTIES on the
    Printer/Plotter section of the Plot dialog box, selecting portrait or
    landscape without it having any effect. Half of upgrading is finding where
    they "hide" the things we are used to in old versions.

    Dave Johnson, Feb 12, 2006
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