2006 issues

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ben Eadie, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    I am having huge issues with 2006 (I am just testing right now thank god)

    I would like anyone out there having similar issues to let me know if
    and how they fixed it...Here is the skinny

    (Converting within SW 2006)

    1. Set options to
    System options - Assemblies - Automatically load components lightweight
    System options - Assemblies - Use large assembly Mode to... (unchecked)
    System options - Performance - Assemblies - Automatically load
    components lightweight (unchecked)

    2. Open assemblies(s) in question with lightweight unchecked

    3. Take entire model and 'save all'

    4. Close SW 2006

    5. Open SW 2006

    6. Open Converted assembly using these options
    System options - Assemblies - Automatically load components lightweight
    System options - Assemblies - Use large assembly Mode to... (checked)
    System options - Performance - Assemblies - Automatically load
    components lightweight (checked)

    7. 2. Open assemblies in question with lightweight checked

    At this point the assembly will not open, or take upwards of 45 minutes
    to open!!!!!!

    (Converting using Conversion Wizard)

    1. Open new folder copy backup of 2005 assembly to it
    2. Open Conversion Wizard
    3. Open and convert 2005 Assembly
    4. (only error reporting
    5. Open Converted assembly using these options
    System options - Assemblies - Automatically load components lightweight
    System options - Assemblies - Use large assembly Mode to... (checked)
    System options - Performance - Assemblies - Automatically load
    components lightweight (checked)

    Same result as above, At this point the assembly will not open, or take
    upwards of 45 minutes to open!!!!!!
    Ben Eadie, Aug 8, 2005
  2. Ben Eadie

    TOP Guest


    How big is the assembly?
    Are there any in-context parts?
    Were there any errors when you ran the conversion wizard?
    TOP, Aug 8, 2005
  3. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    Well, the top level is about 1500-2000 parts. Found the offending
    assembly in the top level (all other subs open) the offending assembly
    is only 20 parts and 3 configurations I have found I can open two of the
    three configs so one config is the issue... On to further testing... Is
    there any way to change the configuration in a top level assembly of a
    internal part or sub assembly, before you commit to opening it (an in
    this case crash? make sense? I know the generic answer would be to
    delete the configuration in 2005 convert and yadda yadda, but there are
    several of my assemblies that do this so it will take too much time, I
    will see if I can narrow this down some more.
    Ben Eadie, Aug 8, 2005
  4. Ben Eadie

    matt Guest

    You could use SW Explorer to delete the config from the sub, or to
    change the sub config in the upper level.

    Large Assembly Mode switch in tools options doesn't effect opening
    existing assemblies that were last saved with LAM turned on. It turns
    out that LAM is more of a Document Property than a System Property, even
    though the setting is on the System Properties page.
    matt, Aug 8, 2005
  5. Ben Eadie

    pete Guest

    I would try opening the assembly with all the boxes unchecked, just as you
    did the conversion.
    I say this because the error is already there and 2005 did not always pick
    these errors up.
    My 2 cents worth :)
    pete, Aug 8, 2005
  6. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    Ya gave that a go and it still crashes.


    Ben Eadie, Aug 8, 2005
  7. Ben Eadie

    pete Guest

    Do you have pdmworks?
    You can choose which documents to want to open, so you can ignore that
    It will ask you where it is, but you can cancel to get the main assembly
    pete, Aug 8, 2005
  8. Ben Eadie

    pete Guest

    my spelling,lol

    pete, Aug 8, 2005
  9. Ben Eadie

    Ben Eadie Guest

    We do have PDM, but for this test I thought it prudent to not install it
    so that should I go into autopilot I wont pollute the vault with 2006
    files. I do understand what you are saying though and may make a local
    PDM vault to test...

    Ben Eadie, Aug 8, 2005
  10. Ben Eadie

    biji_bijip Guest

    Hello Sir
    I need Solidwork Serial number. my email id : . I
    got the software alone. and also give me info on how to install it.

    biji_bijip, Aug 9, 2005
  11. Ben Eadie

    hacksaw Guest

    I had this kinda problem a few years ago. I opened the files from the
    bottom up... so to speak. I started opening parts in the offended sub
    saving and tickling ALL configs as I went up. Then opened the offended
    sub last. It must have cured a hosed reference to a config?. Just
    guessing. This would be a major pain in a big file set. Try to isolate
    the bitchy sub and work just it?

    hacksaw, Aug 9, 2005
  12. Ben Eadie

    P. Guest

    There is a newsgroup serial number for this situation. Try this one:

    8071 8383 3279 7070

    If it doesn't work try this one:

    5049 5353 324F 4646
    P., Aug 11, 2005
  13. Ben Eadie

    pete Guest

    What do these numbers do? p
    I have a legal version, but saw your post, so I am asking out of curiosity!
    pete, Aug 13, 2005
  14. Ben Eadie

    TOP Guest

    It is a serial number that I have found for hacked or non-paid for
    TOP, Aug 14, 2005
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