Questions regarding the Undo command in 2005. 1. At the end of my routines where I have placed (Command "Undo" "End")...I get a "Done!" prompt on the command line even tho I have a (princ) function to exit silently. Is there something to do to switch this off? 2. I have the typical Error Handler placed in my codes. Lisp begins with (Command "Undo" "Begin")..(blah blah). If nothing has been executed drawing-wise and user presses ESC - error handler kicks in the (Command "Undo" "End"), however, I get an "Invalid Keyword" Error. In looking at this, running Undo immediately after the Undo Begin gives me the options of: Enter an UNDO control option [All/None/One] <All>: ...No "END" option. How can I flag this to know if an "END" option is available or necessary? Thanks for any words of wisdom...or obvious slaps upside the head Don