2005, sp0, handy spline workaround

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Edward T Eaton, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. I have been having problems adjusting spline points and tangency
    magnitudes - intermittiently, simply selecting the point or tangency
    handles causes them to 'jump' dramatically which is a real pain when I just
    wanted to adjust them a little.

    What has worked for me:
    If a spline point has decided to be a mexican jumping bean, I undo, then
    highlight the SPLINE CONTOUR and go to the PropertyManager. There, I can
    use the spin box to move from one spline control point to another. When I
    reach the correct point, I can change the X, Y (and on 3-D splines, Z) of
    the point for my fine tweaking.
    The same works for the magnitude of the tangecy handles- just use the spin
    box in the PM to get to the end of the spline and adjust the magnitude
    vector numerically. This saved my ass over the weekend, so I though I would

    BTW- I've started to report this to SWx, but I need to get a consistent
    sample of it to them. Anyone else run into this? and have something they
    can report/have reported?
    Edward T Eaton, Jan 17, 2005
  2. Edward T Eaton

    neil Guest

    I have experienced trouble with splines as you describe but I am not using
    2005 for anything yet so I haven't even bothered trying to battle with
    it...just another one of those infuriating release bugs that makes it
    largely useless for my needs I am afraid
    neil, Jan 17, 2005
  3. Yeo! It's a pita.
    Last week I submitted a Rx which shows a spline with slowness and
    erratic behavior.
    It seems splines (2d and 3d) with constraints or other construction
    lines attached are having problems now??

    It shows up often since I've been using 2005 so I would think (hope?),
    yours, mine and others have been reported and it will be fixed soon!?
    I've reported a few other spline problems with 2005 so, again, I hope
    splines will be addressed aggressively?!?

    Paul Salvador, Jan 17, 2005
  4. Are you guys seeing the problem where, when CTRL+selecting a spline and
    another sketch entity to add a relation to them, SUPRISE! a copy of the two
    contours is being made to the right on the screen (and you can't make the
    relation between the original selected contorus - the realtion actually gets
    applied to the offset copy)?
    Anybody reported it yet? I mentioned it to a SWX guy yesterday and he was
    not aware if it already being addressed, and frankly I can't take the time
    until after SWX World to get a nice repeatable sample -especially with SP1
    looming (why take the time if its already fixed?).
    Edward T Eaton, Jan 18, 2005
  5. Hmm,.. so, because you have ctrl active it somehow copies (not
    intentionally, ie, dragging) a set of curves (somewhere off to the side,
    or offset) and applies the constraint to the that copied set?

    Trying... nah, unless I intentionally drag/copy the set and apply the
    constraint, yes it does that.
    Or, reading more into this but, I do a entity offset of the two selected
    entities (spline and line) and I apply a tangent constraint to the
    original, it reflects the tangent constraint, as it should, to the
    entity offset.

    Otherwise, I don't understand the problem and/or haven't seen that one
    (could be a mouse glitch??)

    Paul Salvador, Jan 18, 2005
  6. Edward T Eaton

    neil Guest

    not exactly that, but I found that spline points that had coincident
    relation form to other sketch entities as I sketched actually didn't....it
    was quite puzzling to me that I got various features failing after changing
    dimensions later...when I went back to the sketch everything looked
    ok...relation flags showing everywhere....until I zoomed in to see no
    coincident relationship existed and gaps had opened up....was it ever
    actually there or did it vanish after...who knows....sorta sounds related to
    your experience.
    neil, Jan 18, 2005
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