I have been having problems adjusting spline points and tangency magnitudes - intermittiently, simply selecting the point or tangency handles causes them to 'jump' dramatically which is a real pain when I just wanted to adjust them a little. What has worked for me: If a spline point has decided to be a mexican jumping bean, I undo, then highlight the SPLINE CONTOUR and go to the PropertyManager. There, I can use the spin box to move from one spline control point to another. When I reach the correct point, I can change the X, Y (and on 3-D splines, Z) of the point for my fine tweaking. The same works for the magnitude of the tangecy handles- just use the spin box in the PM to get to the end of the spline and adjust the magnitude vector numerically. This saved my ass over the weekend, so I though I would share. BTW- I've started to report this to SWx, but I need to get a consistent sample of it to them. Anyone else run into this? and have something they can report/have reported?