2005 over 2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rudy Tovar, Feb 17, 2004.

  1. Greg,

    Just Curious, will v2005 be provided to subscription holders of Autodesk
    Inventor Series 8? or do we have to wait for an upgrade to Inventor? Also,
    has there been any improvements in the DX technology in 2005?
    Phil Kenewell, Feb 20, 2004
  2. Rudy Tovar

    cjneedham Guest


    Just as a reader of the thread, can I ask how your reply consititutes an answer to R.K.'s question? I can understand that if Tony's comments were unfounded that Autodesk would be 'upset', and to an extent I would agree that you are justified, but at the same time I think Autodesk need to recognise that they employ what seem to many users to be 'bully-ish' or 'user-hostile' tactics, (which I am sure you would be quick to deny or defend). The style of your series of replies to Tony only made me think (as a reader and AutoDesk customer) of the old Shakespeare quote "Me thinks thou protesteth too much!". This was accentuated by your very 'political' reply to R.K., which to me constituted a response rather than an answer.

    I tend to think (as many others do) that the only thing saving Autodesk at the moment (and keeping their vast numbers of users) is the existing investment that these users have made in their various Autodesk products, often over many years. Without this 'legacy' investment, based on immediate merits only, Autodesk would stand to lose a significant proportion of their customer base. I don't know if Autodesk are fully aware of the truth within this, and would hate to think that they are actually exploiting this, but it certainly can feel that way sometimes.

    I think it would be in Autodesk's interests if they actively sought to put the customer first, and let their profits follow (as I believe they would), rather than the other way around.

    Please do not respond quoting any figures from Autodesk surveys, as they do not always tell the whole story ("Statistics, Damned Lies and Statistics"). The questions can sometimes be geared towards proving an end, rather than establishing what the end is... but that is another matter.

    Please also let me make it clear that I am making no "accusations" against Autodesk (for which you may seek action against me), but rather providing user feedback from myself and those I work with, both in the immediate and more global senses. Note also the constructive suggestions, so as not to de-merit my points by perpetual complaining without providing alternatives.
    cjneedham, Feb 24, 2004
  3. Chris from NZ?,

    Thank you for the feedback. Certainly my answer to RK was not really a
    justification for the locking. I did not make the decision, but do
    understand some of your points but cannot really give the type of
    explanation RK may have wanted or expected in a technical forum. Perhaps I
    should have just ignored RKs post but it was in the hot thread and I tried
    to answer it best I could with the fact that most CAD systems are locked but
    agree that is not a justification or full reason behind it. I think Tony's
    comments on AutoCAD 2005 needed to be responded to not allow the inaccurate
    and potentially damaging information to perpetuate any further. I was
    definitely not attempting to be "bully-ish" just insistent. I was just
    trying to stop the accusation that development debugging is prevented in
    AutoCAD 2005 which is simply not true and was a fairly serious statement.

    I completely agree with you in your customer first and do try to keep that
    as my own motto while in a healthy balance with my employer. Please do not
    think for a second we would have any reason to seek action against you for
    providing feedback as we really are just normal people making a living and
    wanting to do the right thing like most of our customers. In fact many
    including myself were customers before coming to Autodesk.

    Feedback is feedback good and bad there is value in it, provided it is
    delivered constructively as yours was and I thank you for your feedback.

    Shaan Hurley
    Autodesk, Inc.

    answer to R.K.'s question? I can understand that if Tony's comments were
    unfounded that Autodesk would be 'upset', and to an extent I would agree
    that you are justified, but at the same time I think Autodesk need to
    recognise that they employ what seem to many users to be 'bully-ish' or
    'user-hostile' tactics, (which I am sure you would be quick to deny or
    defend). The style of your series of replies to Tony only made me think (as
    a reader and AutoDesk customer) of the old Shakespeare quote "Me thinks thou
    protesteth too much!". This was accentuated by your very 'political' reply
    to R.K., which to me constituted a response rather than an answer.
    the moment (and keeping their vast numbers of users) is the existing
    investment that these users have made in their various Autodesk products,
    often over many years. Without this 'legacy' investment, based on immediate
    merits only, Autodesk would stand to lose a significant proportion of their
    customer base. I don't know if Autodesk are fully aware of the truth within
    this, and would hate to think that they are actually exploiting this, but it
    certainly can feel that way sometimes.
    the customer first, and let their profits follow (as I believe they would),
    rather than the other way around.
    do not always tell the whole story ("Statistics, Damned Lies and
    Statistics"). The questions can sometimes be geared towards proving an end,
    rather than establishing what the end is... but that is another matter.
    Autodesk (for which you may seek action against me), but rather providing
    user feedback from myself and those I work with, both in the immediate and
    more global senses. Note also the constructive suggestions, so as not to
    de-merit my points by perpetual complaining without providing alternatives.
    Shaan Hurley, Autodesk, Inc., Feb 25, 2004
  4. Rudy Tovar

    cjneedham Guest

    Thanks for your reply Shaan.

    No, not 'Chris from NZ', although I have seen his posts. Not many of us around, though.

    cjneedham, Feb 25, 2004
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