Hi, I am running 2004 and 2005 in the same license file. I have upgraded the flexLM to 2005 (9.22) and still receive an error [1.5.-5] when trying to start the AutoCAD 2005 application on a client PC. The debug log reports 14:01:18 (adskflex) DENIED: "46300ACD_2005_0F" dlm16830@zd015762 (SIGN= attribute required, but missing from license (-114,525)) And the sign in the license files reads as follows.. INCREMENT 46300ACD_2005_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 215 \nVENDOR_STRING=commercial:permanent BORROW=720 SUPERSEDE \nDUP_GROUP=UH ISSUED=21-Jun-2004 SN=700-51276901 SIGN="1CA4 \nC182 8E3D 2291 9860 07AF 0C59 1D63 272C 0D88 3281 438F 79CB \nD0EA AA00 15BB 0B66 A6CE D1BB 7CEF EC5D 2990 2437 4D90 81B8 \n7340 9443 29B6 7810 6C44" Can anyone give me a pointer as to what is going wrong? TIA Dave