2005 Design Journal

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. When I open the Design Journal.doc the only property filled in is the

    Error! Unknown document property name.

    I take a look at the properties and I see Material and Description and I
    know that filename is system generated. So what gives?

    Any ideas, our new quality policy requires us to keep a design 'folder' and
    I though that the design 'journal' would be great for this.

    Not Necessarily Me, Sep 30, 2004
  2. Not Necessarily Me

    skrug Guest

    I had this issue too but only with the file name. The default journal
    worked fine but journal files I created did not work. I noticed the
    default journal had custom properties for the file name, description,
    and material. All were type text and all had a space as their value.
    I added a custom property named "File Name" to my new journal file
    with a space as it's value. After making this change my custom
    journal file appears to be behaving correctly. From what I found,
    file name is the only property that was necessary to add.

    skrug, Oct 18, 2004
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