2005 and 2002 lic info.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kenny_m2001, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. kenny_m2001

    kenny_m2001 Guest

    Can 2002 products co-exist with 2005 products in the same .lic file running on LMGRD.EXE v. ?? If so, is there an order they need to appear within the .lic file or does the 2002 products need to be reregistered to be recognized by the LMGRD.EXE v. ??
    Currently we have uninstalled the old LMGRD.EXE v. and running LMGRD.EXE v. and combined the 2002 and 2005 license information into one .lic file, but the clients can't find the flexlm server for the .lic file.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated...and of course ASAP.

    Thanks, Kenny
    kenny_m2001, Jan 6, 2005
  2. Hello,

    You can have 2002 and 2005 in the same Lic file. No order.
    You must use the LMGRD 9.2.2 to use the 2005 license.
    Can your clients ping the server by the Hostname and the IP address?
    What have you in your Log file ( FlexLM log file) in your server?

    Best regards

    Franck Hervet

    running on LMGRD.EXE v. ?? If so, is there an order they need to
    appear within the .lic file or does the 2002 products need to be
    reregistered to be recognized by the LMGRD.EXE v. ??
    LMGRD.EXE v. and combined the 2002 and 2005 license information into
    one .lic file, but the clients can't find the flexlm server for the .lic
    franck Hervet, Jan 6, 2005
  3. kenny_m2001

    kenny_m2001 Guest

    Thanks for the quick response.

    I've got all the 2002 license info. and 2005 license info. in a single .lic file. I'm also running LMGRD 9.2.2. The LM can read the license file successfully, but neither the 2002 users or the 2005 users are able to find the server/license file. When this happens I repath the lic file location back to its original 2002 only lic file and the 2002 users are able to access the server/license file.

    Yes, the clients can ping the server by the hostname and IP address.

    If you are talking about the debug file, it shows the results of the read of the license.

    kenny_m2001, Jan 6, 2005
  4. kenny_m2001

    jpostlewait Guest

    Just a guess but did you happen to change servers when you installed the new Flex?
    If that is the case you need to edit the Licpath.lic file on the workstations.

    John Postlewait
    IS department
    George Butler Associates, Inc.
    jpostlewait, Jan 6, 2005
  5. Ok,

    Didi you change of server?
    If so, go on each Pc to search a file licpath.lic and change the name of the
    server in it.

    Best regards

    Franck Hervet

    ..lic file. I'm also running LMGRD 9.2.2. The LM can read the license file
    successfully, but neither the 2002 users or the 2005 users are able to find
    the server/license file. When this happens I repath the lic file location
    back to its original 2002 only lic file and the 2002 users are able to
    access the server/license file.
    franck Hervet, Jan 6, 2005
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