2004 to 2006 directly: is it possible?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gianni Rondinini, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. we haven't ever installed swx2005. we had no real reason to do it and
    had already enough problems with 2004 which weren't officially solved
    with 2005, then i decided not to stuck my workstations with 2005.
    since people is starting talking about 2006, i wanted to know if we
    can move from 2004 to 2006 directly or if it's necessary to first
    install 2005 and then 2006. i mean: will 2006 crack our 2004 files
    --as 2004 did with many of our 2002 and 2003's-- or will it work
    flawlessly --at least for this, since flawlessly is a word i would
    *NEVER* use for swx/dbworks--?

    thanks in advance.
    Gianni Rondinini, Sep 5, 2005
  2. Gianni Rondinini

    Tom L Guest

    I went from 2003+ to 2005 and didn't have problems, during the install. So
    I would *assume* they have their act together on upgrading when skipping
    versions. However, I removed my 2003plus, and now I have to reinstall my
    2005 - some files got wacked or something in the process - oops.

    "Gianni Rondinini" < wrote in message
    Tom L, Sep 5, 2005
  3. Gianni,

    "Flawlessly" is a bit of a stretch for SW, even under ideal conditions. I
    will say this though, I've translated some pretty complex assemblies
    forward, to 2006, from 2004 and 2003 format. Most without serious problems.

    It all depends on the content and structure of the files. Some types of
    things have allways had problems, configurations, mates, surfaces, etc.,

    The best thing to do is load 2006 on one computer (as a new install along
    side 2004) and do some test translations.


    Mark Mossberg, Sep 5, 2005
  4. Gianni Rondinini

    INKN Guest

    Hello Gianni,

    I plan also to jump over from 2004 to 2006, I wrote an own convertion
    tool and I found during testing no convertion problems.
    The greatest problem is for the user 500 new enhancments, so much is
    changing for UI until measureing...! And you have the interactive
    What's new only for one version jump.

    Good luck

    INKN, Sep 5, 2005
  5. Gianni Rondinini

    ken Guest

    That's why I find it invaluable to upgrade every release (Solid Edge). If I
    were to skip one or two releases, it would be like giving the users a whole
    new application. One advantage SE has is that they have started to include
    the "what's new" help for the 3 most current releases, which helps allot.
    Maybe you can talk SolidWorks into doing that as well.

    ken, Sep 5, 2005
  6. Gianni Rondinini

    TOP Guest


    This shouldn't be a problem. During testing I did this with files much
    older than 2004. There were very few problems but as with all new
    releases of SW expect regressions in direct file translation.

    If I were you I would first use the mass conversion utility and
    schedule it to run over night. Identify problem files and send them in
    to SW for resolution. When SW has fixed the problems then make the
    actual changeover to 2006. Most people with large installations to
    manage will not make the actual change until SP1.0 or SP2.0 to assure
    themselves of a fairly stable product.
    TOP, Sep 5, 2005
  7. that is the same thing i'm going to do: i've never installed a new
    version of swx until at least sp1.0 or 2.0; which was, in the latest,
    15 days after it came out --which is what annoys me the most: swx is
    *NOT* ms office: it's a *serious* software for professionals. i can't
    stand all these bugs and the run for useless "enhancements"--.

    Gianni Rondinini, Sep 6, 2005
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