2004 Task Scheduler background activity

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave H, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Dave H

    Dave H Guest

    I've noticed interesting activity with the new Task Scheduler found in
    SolidWorks 2004. It runs as a process called swBOEngine.exe that shows up
    under Task Manager. Even if SolidWorks is not running or there are no tasks
    scheduled it just sits there and creates and then deletes a file named
    Swbo1.ldb about once every second. This file doesn't show up in explorer
    but fills my Norton protected Recycle bin very quickly. I have also noticed
    explorer flashing as if updating at this same rate at times. This flashing
    stops when I stop the process from running. It also shows using 1-2% of CPU
    time while running.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Oct 10, 2003
  2. Dave H

    Dave H Guest

    I'm thinking this may have something to do with the Beta testing I did.
    I've checked two other seats that never had the Beta installed and the
    process doesn't start on them until the Task Scheduler is run. There must
    be a left over registry setting that didn't get corrected when SP0 was
    installed. I cleaned all the normal registry settings before installing SP0
    so it must lie elsewhere.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Oct 10, 2003
  3. Dave H

    mold.dude Guest


    To rid yourself of this mess, go to:

    ( C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup ) and remove SWBOengine.exe from your start-up group.


    Ken B.
    mold.dude, Oct 10, 2003
  4. Dave H

    Dave H Guest

    Thanks Ken. That did it..


    remove SWBOengine.exe from your start-up group.
    Dave H, Oct 10, 2003
  5. Dave H

    Navy Diver Guest

    don't forget to restart swBOengine.exe before you use the task
    scheduler or it won't work.

    if you remove it from the start menu you'll have to restart it
    Navy Diver, Oct 13, 2003
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