2004 SP1.0 is available

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave H, Nov 7, 2003.

  1. Dave H

    neil Guest

    you don't have a wee file called DatabaseUpdateError.log do you?
    seems I have a 8.6 and 8.7 file version together
    neil, Nov 7, 2003
  2. Hmmm,.. yes...

    ******************** Thursday, November 06, 2003 23:44:41

    Source Database: c:\SW2004\\toolbox\data
    Destination Database: c:\program files\common files\solidworks

    Starting update database...

    Backup Destination Database: c:\program files\common files\solidworks

    Destination Database Version: 8.6
    Source Database Version: 8.7

    Finished update database...


    I do not and never have had ToolBox, so I don't understand why that line

    Is the 8.6 and 8.7 for Toolbox?

    Otherwise, the "sw2004-0.0-1.0-i.log" seems ok? And, it does include
    the path mentioned above as a update.

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  3. Phil,

    You'll have remove the old sp0.0, clean out the registry and do a "new
    install", then you can apply sp1.0.

    Painful, yes, but it's the way to go.

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  4. Dave H

    neil Guest

    I don't have Toolbox either
    everything else seems in order.....
    do you have 2003 and 2004 installed also?
    neil, Nov 7, 2003
  5. Yep, 03/04.
    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  6. I didn't clean the registry on either of my installs, and all seems to
    be fine....
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Nov 10, 2003
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