2004 SP1.0 is available

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave H, Nov 7, 2003.

  1. Dave H

    Dave H Guest

    It's now up on the subscription service site.
    Dave H, Nov 7, 2003
  2. grrr.... can't install it (french version) on 2 machines (XP french)...
    it says the program doesn't exist or isn't the correct version...
    tried to uninstall/reinstall 2004SP0, changed localization to US, ...
    any other idea ?
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Nov 7, 2003
  3. Dave H

    Krister L Guest

    Try with copying the .exe-file directly to the C-root....if it's in a folder
    beside You usually get that message

    Krister L, Nov 7, 2003
  4. Freaking sweet, well a start (see below).

    Anyhow, between 30-60% reduction typ when it's off!
    So, when saving a 40meg part, this will help.

    Thanks at least for the sldprt, SW Programmers, I appreciate that one!

    But,... does this apply to the sldasm's as well??
    The sldasm image quality has a line option as well but it's grayed out
    with a check mark "on"??
    Hmm,... it does not seem to be an option....??

    Ok, so now we will have to ask for a ER on giving us the sldasm
    tessellation off??

    C'mon, SW Corp, clearly the sldasm's are the ones which are the memory
    hogs... so having this option as well will make sense, no? Ah, I see,
    this may effect some VAR demos opening 11K parts in less than 30 secs...
    and that won't be the case if someone turns off aldasm tessellation now
    will it!?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  5. thanks... but it didn't help...
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Nov 7, 2003
  6. Dave H

    Krister L Guest

    Sorry ...forget about last post....this seems to be handeled in a different
    way then before

    Krister L, Nov 7, 2003
  7. BTW, using EcoSqueeze, it seems it's still saving some information!?

    For example:

    13.7 meg's, with tessellation storage on.
    5.7 meg's, saved w/o tessellation.
    2.5 meg's, EcoSqueeze'd removing display list.
    550K, EcoSqueeze'd, removing display list and parasolid(not
    150K, zipped.

    ... that's a lot a data still being stored!!!

    So, there's the M$ mirror data still being stored before EcoSqueeze?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  8. Problem, still.... Not all surface bodies are showing!!!!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  9. For example:

    The "Surface Bodies(5)" folder shows quantify "5", which is correct, but
    the folder only has "3" surfaces in it!?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  10. Anyone else having problems with the service patch install? Several errors
    relating to disk space on C: drive when SOlidworks is installed on the D:
    drive. The numbers don't make sense when the error occurs. For example I
    currently have 268MB free on the C: drive, The installer says that 436kb
    req'd but only 425kb available. After several aborts and disk cleaning
    sessions I finally got to the point where the message says that install can
    continue but without rollback options. I went ahead and said go for it.
    Now I have a dialog box that says, "Preparing to remove older versions of
    this application". The status bar is about at 75% and has not moved for 30
    minutes, the task manager says the process is still running. How long
    should this take and if I click 'Cancel' what will be the result?

    I wish they would have stuck with the traditional installer...


    Jeff Cox
    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 7, 2003
  11. Everything for me was fine until I got to the removing older versions
    dialog. just like you it stopped at about 75% done. I caneled out
    and then killed the program in task manager. I then installed
    SolidWorks 2004 disk one and waited for the install dialog box to pop
    up. When it did I chose repair installation. It cruched away for a
    while and then told me I had successfully loaded 2004 SP1. I have
    been using it all morning with no problems.
    Rob Rodriguez, Nov 7, 2003
  12. Dave H

    CSWP Guest

    I have a problem updating an administrative image. It gives me an
    error that it's not able to write a temp file to finish the update.
    Can't get it to finish. Even re-downloaded the patch. Nothing. The
    first time I got the error it even stripped out the .msi file needed
    to run the update.

    CSWP, Nov 7, 2003
  13. Also clean the registry of anything to do with solidworks. I had 2003 still
    on my system and some remnants of 2001+ but after uninstalling 2003 & 2004
    and cleaning the registry then reinstalling 2004 the service patch worked
    fine. Can't blame this on Solidworks but maybe the windows installer?
    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 7, 2003
  14. Dave H

    Michael Guest

    Can't blame this on Solidworks

    Why not? Certainly sounds like a failure to do even minimal testing.
    It's not as if M$ released the SP....
    Michael, Nov 7, 2003
  15. I would think so as well?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  16. Hmm... I did not get those errors but...

    When the install said it had finished and for me to either reboot or
    not, I choose not to reboot, a message was on the top left of the
    finished installation window and it said "sp error (3010)".

    Does anyone know if that is a bad thing??
    Otherwise, everything seems fine?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  17. Yep, dat is the truth.
    I had to do a uninstall and remove any 2004 registries.
    I think it was Per who brought this up here?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  18. ....

    Yeah, understood and tested the save as also.
    Without testing/timing a lot of large parts, my early conclusion is it
    saves at least 50% time from before.
    And re-opening those complex parts, they re-tessellate within seconds
    and that time is not a factor which would significantly effect a days
    worth of saving (conservative, 4 saves/hour or a min of 24 saves/day).
    Even though, if you open the file equally as much as you saved it, the
    time savings is still ahead from what I've tested so far.
    Paul Salvador, Nov 7, 2003
  19. Dave H

    Arlin Guest

    I think this issue is somehow related to WI (like it or not, WI looks to
    be here to stay).

    Or it could be a method to help reduce some piracy. Now, pirates cannot
    just use the downloadable versions. They need the CDs to be able to
    install SPs (not that CDs cannot be copied).
    Arlin, Nov 7, 2003
  20. Dave H

    CSWP Guest


    In the nicest way possible if you paid any attention to what you
    downloaded you would have seen the warnings in bright red letters
    explaining this.

    CSWP, Nov 7, 2003
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