2004 Prerelease

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jeff Norfolk, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. Jeff Norfolk

    Jeff Norfolk Guest

    I've been using SolidWorks since early 2000 and have never fully
    understood the point of the "Prerelease". Is this sort of the final
    Beta version that is offered to the masses just to catch that last
    little scurrying bug that the Beta testers couldn't stomp? With the
    latest Beta testing for 2004 is there really a need for a Prerelease
    since the program is so widespread? Should the Prerelease not be uised
    for production work because it is considered a Beta version? I know
    officially only SP0 is supported for production use, but has anyone in
    the past been burned by using a Beta or Prerelease version for
    production work?
    I assume that if you use the Beta or PR and create or use some feature
    that is dropped in SP0 that you could run into trouble, but what other
    issues could arise?
    I know that most will say wait for SP0, but I'd really like to make
    use of some new functionality ASAP.
    Jeff Norfolk, Jul 22, 2003
  2. Jeff Norfolk

    Scott Guest

    The file may not be readable in the final where it was fine in the PR. Never
    use any beta or PR for production, you could get hosed on it. It's better to
    be safe than sorry.

    Scott, Jul 22, 2003
  3. Jeff Norfolk

    Michael Guest

    you'd have to be a brave soul to use SP0 of anything for production work....
    Michael, Jul 22, 2003
  4. I have always downloaded and used the pre-release versions as soon as they
    were available. I will say I've treaded lightly however, and ALWAYS make a
    backup of my data before diving in. I have yet to be disappointed or
    "burned" by any pre-release version (or any version for that matter). The
    chance to use new functionality is too tempting for me to wait. I say go for

    Richard Doyle
    Richard Doyle, Jul 22, 2003
  5. Jeff Norfolk

    Navy Diver Guest


    thanks for the encouragement! I'm looking forward to the new release
    I just found out that SPR 175526 will not be addressed in SWX2003 but
    the Beta2 version completely RESOLVES THIS ISSUE.

    for those of you who don't know Richard here are some links:


    The founding members of the SolidWorks National Users Group Committee

    Phil Sluder - (Southwestern Region)
    Richard Doyle - (Southern Region)
    Mark Peters - (Midwestern Region)
    Michelle Pillers - (Northwestern Region)
    Mark Semmel - (Eastern Region)

    http://www.ctsug.org/ Central Texas Solidworkds Users Group
    Formed in September, 1999, the Central Texas SolidWorks User Group was
    Texas' first independent user group. Our membership includes users
    from San Marcos to Georgetown and all points in-between.

    Richard Doyle - Event Coordinator (All-Texas Solidworks User
    Conference) All three years 2001, 2002, & 2003
    P.O. Box 144032
    Austin, Texas 78714
    Phone: (512)576-8361

    I have always downloaded and used the pre-release versions as soon as
    were available. I will say I've treaded lightly however, and ALWAYS
    make a
    backup of my data before diving in. I have yet to be disappointed or
    "burned" by any pre-release version (or any version for that matter).
    chance to use new functionality is too tempting for me to wait. I say
    go for

    Richard Doyle
    Navy Diver, Jul 22, 2003
  6. Hi all!

    where can i get a pre-release version of sw 2004?

    thanks in advance!
    Alexandre Martini, Jul 23, 2003
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