2004 Layouts Won't Center

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by TRJ, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. TRJ

    TRJ Guest

    I've seen some drawings with multiple layouts all using the same driver and
    sheet size where when plotting extents (titleblocks have trim lines at sheet
    extents e.g. 36"x24") and "Center plot" is checked some titleblocks shipt
    about .1" up and to the left. Even with all objects (including "empty" text
    and mtext) except for the trim lines deleted, it still will not center. This
    layout must be set to plot a window in order to center it on the paper.

    Anyone else experienced this and if so were you able to correct it?
    TRJ, Jan 20, 2005
  2. TRJ

    RussB Guest

    try setting the "PLOTOFFSET" system variable to "0"
    RussB, Jan 24, 2005
  3. TRJ

    TRJ Guest

    Thanks but PLOTOFFSET is not a system variable and this issue has to do with
    one odd ball layout among many in the same drawing file.
    TRJ, Jan 25, 2005
  4. TRJ

    TRJ Guest

    Good points.
    TRJ, Jan 25, 2005
  5. TRJ

    WashCaps37 Guest

    All -

    This is an existing bug within AutoCAD 2004. I've done a little research on the internet and found these in an article with an Existing Bugs headline for 2004.

    **The -plot command with the center option is not working correct. It doesn't read the paper size correct. The plot offset is misplaced. (Fixed in 2005)**

    **Using the center option in VBA when plotting can result in a wrong position of the plotted area on some printers with some printer drivers. (Fixed in 2005)**

    I have noticed that after I have set the page setups for all layouts I have to go back into each layout tab, type 'pagesetup' and hit the Enter key for the titleblock to center on the page. It get's alittle tedious and nerve racking trying to do this to hundreds of layout tabs for one file.

    Does anyone have a solution/work around to this problem? maybe a LISP or VBA Routine? It would be nice if Autodesk would supply an answer to this issue instead of fixing the problem on another version. I understand Autodesk needs to make their money, but maybe if they took the time to work out bugs on current releases they would actually put out a better product.

    WashCaps37, Mar 15, 2005
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