2004: Configurations and BOM

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bas, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. Bas

    Bas Guest


    I've got a problem with using multiple configurations in a assembly. I
    have 2 sub-assemblies in 1 assembly, only with a different
    configuration. Now in my BOM SW show 2 times the same component with
    quantity 1 in stead of 1 time with quantity 2.
    The reason I've put 2 different configurations in assembly is because
    I want both of them to be flexible.

    I've already tried to give the configurations the same custom name, or
    give them both document name. But the problem remains.

    Can somebody help me with this?


    Bas, Sep 30, 2004
  2. Bas

    Dave H Guest

    Move to 2005 if you use a lot of flexible sub assemblies. 2005 allows
    multiple flexible sub assemblies without using different configs for
    each. One major new feature I love.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Sep 30, 2004
  3. We had the same problem when we created a hinge for a door and needed to
    make six configurations to make it flexible in the assembly. We wanted to be
    able to grab the door and swing it open to show it in several different
    positions. Anyway.......what we ended up doing was put a check in the box
    for "Part Configuration Grouping-Display as one item number". Then we
    manually changed the "QTY" cell to the correct number of hinges. When you go
    to change the cell in the BOM that has the "QTY", you'll get an error
    message that reads

    "This cell value is parametrically linked to a part.....yada yada yada.
    Continue editing cell?"

    You'll obviously need to select yes at this point and type in the correct

    Hope this helps,
    Richard Charney, Sep 30, 2004
  4. Bas

    Steve Tietz Guest

    I think in order to do this in 2004 you will need to set the second flexible
    subassembly to "do not show in BOM" -- you will find this setting check box
    under properties (same place you set it flexible at). Then insert another
    copy of the first assembly at the same configuration at a rigid state then
    hide it. This way your BOM will see a quantity of 2 sub assemblies, but
    will not show the extra 3rd flexible subassembly while the drawing will only
    show 2 sub assemblies...

    Otherwise do like Dave H said & move to 2005 - where this limitation does
    not exist.

    Hope that helps,
    Steve Tietz
    Steve Tietz, Sep 30, 2004
  5. Do they both have the same custom/config properties? Maybe one has a
    description, length, etc. and the other does not.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 30, 2004
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