2004 Clicking of the Ballon to make new number

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Habib, Oct 24, 2003.

  1. Habib

    Habib Guest

    Is anyone here know how to making baloons to make update of these item

    Pastwhiles I was able to doublehit the baloon to make one change of number
    with one bom.

    How this is make to work now?

    It only let me to follow assembly but how to make them not to follow?

    We now are to go in the edit to make the parts go up then go downward to
    then make a new number - (it has arrows up and down too).

    Extremes plus with frutrasion

    Thank all you please -

    Habib, Oct 24, 2003
  2. You need to pick "custom" instead of "item number". Once you do that, you
    can make it anything you want.

    In Tools/Options/Document Properties/Detailing/Balloons you can set the
    "Balloon text" to be "Custom" instead of "Item Number" as the default. You
    probably had it set up that way in the earlier release and SW04 set it back
    to the normal default of "Item Number".

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 25, 2003
  3. Habib

    Habib Guest


    Thanks you. I am continud to struggle with these baloonand made them with
    the custom as you told. But everytime it would make to disconnect of number
    to bom. Now the services pack number 1 made it to work again nice like the

    Thanks towards you again to helping me so much.

    Big thanks one time again.

    Habib, Nov 9, 2003
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