***This thread may be/is susceptible to whining, complaining, nitpicking, conspiracy theory, lies, negativity, flaming, bashing and may cause you to do so as well. If you are senstive to subjects of this nature please refrain from reading this post and its replies.*** I've been working with 2004's new BOM functionality, specifically the 'SolidWorks BOM'. Unless I'm missing something this functionality is lame. There is a dire lack of formatting control. A nice feature is text wrapping, but it too is not consistent. I wanted to see how it would handle config'd parts so I created one and both configs have the same description, yet one row of the BOM only wrapped the description two lines and the other wrapped it 3 lines. What gives? BTW- What controls column width anyway? How can I get my part number columns to include configuration names (ex. MD001-1 and MD001-2)? Should I just go back to using the excel-based BOM?