2003 to 2004 conversion Sheetmetal drawings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. UM that sucks converted all our drawings to SW 2004 on monday and I have
    noticed that sheetmetal parts have flipped and rotated. Some only seem to
    have flipped. The tell tale is the notes for the bends are in the wrong
    place. Has anyone else experienced this? If you did how did you handle it?
    I don't know how we are going to deal with this. Thousands of drawings and
    who knows which ones are problems. FYI we did make a full backup before

    Corey Scheich, Apr 28, 2004
  2. Well save times for files that have not been converted are up there, and I
    am a bit worried about jumping too many versions, we have thousands of files
    and some of them may not be opened for 6 years if they are not converted
    they may be lost. Yet do the benefits out weigh problems such as this. We
    didn't have any known problems converting 2001+ to 2003. I also am hoping
    to get our Hard drive defragged once all the files have been converted.

    Corey Scheich, Apr 28, 2004
  3. Corey Scheich

    rocheey Guest

    The Beta of 04 was OK, but SP0, SP1, and SP2.0 had the edge flanges in
    some of my parts 'floating' from their base flanges.

    Finally upgraded to SP2.1 when the edge flanges floated back down.
    rocheey, Apr 28, 2004
  4. Hi Corey -

    Are they "named" (DefaultSM-FLAT-PATTERN, etc) sheet metal flat views?

    If they are, does the "flip view" under view directions make the file

    Another idea - has the sheet metal definition lost it's "fixed face"

    I've seen it lose its fixed face and the geometry is still intact but
    does strange things to the unfolding.

    This sounds to me like an bug - an intolerable bug. Hopefully your
    var will give some help if that's a option. I think SolidWorks owes
    you (and all of us) a fix.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Apr 28, 2004
  5. I am able to simply use the Flip View command to flip some back to normal
    and on one that the view was rotated I had to unrotate the view and then
    flip. I haven't even tried to do more than that. My VAR verified it and is
    submitting it to SW I don't know what they will do for me as far as all the
    drawings that are Fd up. Hopefully it will only affect ones created while
    we were using 2003 but if we have to fix them all I hope our VAR or SW will
    support us in it.

    Does anyone know off hand if there are API calls to determine if a view has
    been Flipped. I may be able to save alot of time by writing a macro that
    will recurse the directories and Flip and rotate views, I would have to
    beable to recognize that it was a problem drawing first thought. Maybe it
    would be good for SW to create this macro for me and anyone else
    experiencing this problem.

    Corey Scheich, Apr 28, 2004
  6. Corey Scheich

    kenneth b Guest

    i just noticed this (not related to sheetmetal)

    i just saved a '03 part to '04 and the chamfers (feature) do not have the
    tangent propagation box.
    kenneth b, Apr 29, 2004
  7. Looks like this has been a problem since SP0.0. My VAR was quite surprised
    that noone had problems with this earlier. Hopefully SP4.0 will fix the

    Corey Scheich, Apr 30, 2004
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