2001PLUS VS 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gianluca, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. Gianluca

    Gianluca Guest

    I'm solidworks 2001 plus user and I would some information
    about 2004 release speed, becouse I tried the 2003 but was
    very slowly than 2001 plus.
    Can you tell me if 2004 improved in draft mode respect my version
    that in not very good?
    Thanks a lot
    Gianluca, Nov 22, 2003
  2. Gianluca

    Tom Chasteen Guest


    I haven't used 2001 Plus in a long time and can't answer your comparison
    test. However I can tell you that contrary to some users experience my
    large assembly mode experience with 2004 sp0 was good.

    My machine was a Dell 360 w/ 2.4 GHz P4, 3.00 GB RAM, XP PRO SP1, and
    (QUADRO NVS W/AGP8X W/64 MEG RAM) game card.

    My large assembly is:


    PARTS 12439


    It loaded in the following times:

    Lightweight 56 SEC

    Resolving from the LW load 88 SEC

    To load fully resolved 3:13 MINUTES

    I hope this helps.

    Tom Chasteen, Nov 23, 2003
  3. Gianluca

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    Approximately: 250 original parts & 90 original assemblies


    Tom Chasteen, Nov 23, 2003
  4. Gianluca

    kellnerp Guest

    Does this assembly have any errors, in-context parts, flexible
    sub-assemblies, sub-assemblies with multiple configurations, mates with
    invalid faces or over defined mates? Also are there many undermated parts?

    kellnerp, Nov 23, 2003
  5. Gianluca

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    Getting apples to apples comparisions isn't necessarily easy; however,
    how many users do you think have your system's resources or better?

    I think if a survey were conducted, your hardware would leave a large
    percentage of computers running SolidWorks in the dust...

    Unfortunately, programmers may assume that most users have the latest
    & fastest, but the reality is far different.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Nov 24, 2003
  6. Gianluca

    Tom Chasteen Guest


    I no longer have convenient access to that assembly, but have the following:

    Total components 13801
    total parts 11382
    unique parts 120
    sub-assy 2419
    unique subs 86
    resolved 0
    suppressed comp 172
    Lightweight comp 13629
    top level mates 24
    top level comp 8
    max depth 6

    AMD 1.8 Ghz processor w/ 512 meg ram, Quadro4 750 xgl

    To load lightweight = 58 seconds
    to fully resolve after lightweight load 92 seconds

    The assembly has NO errors. The assembly has many in context parts,
    features, and component arrays. Most parts are fully mated. Nothing is
    fixed. There are no mirrored parts in the assembly anywhere. There are
    still a few mates with invalid faces in the assembly. These occur when I've
    changed something and not caught up the mates. I delete them whenever I
    find them and remate to component in the lowest assembly possible. There
    are no over defined mates in the assembly. (However, there are ten mates
    that I feel should show as over defined and they do not. they are
    intentional. I added a point-line coincident mate to assist SW in being
    able to solve an already fully defined mate. SW needed the assistance.)

    There are still some underdefined mates. I'm fixing most of them as I get
    to it. This is a different assembly from the previously mentioned assembly
    and I'm running it on a different computer. The assembly size is 6.4 meg
    after ecosqueeze (I do not remove the display list or the preview image).
    The assembly includes structural steel, fasteners, motors, gearboxes,
    cotterpins, chain, etc., etc.

    Tom Chasteen, Nov 24, 2003
  7. Gianluca

    Tom Chasteen Guest


    That's why I'm trying to send as much info as possible. Some people are
    finding that SW 2004 is a real DOG on large assemblies. I've found that it
    outperforms any other version I've used. Maybe I'm just getting better at
    it?? I pay a lot more attention to how I set them up than I did before.

    I wouldn't say that I'm as good or better at large assemblies than anyone
    else, so there must be some differences in how we set them up, parts design,
    or something. I would like to find out what it is, because I don't see
    assembly sizes decreasing in the near future.

    Tom Chasteen, Nov 24, 2003
  8. Gianluca

    Tom Chasteen Guest


    My assembly now is:

    Total components: 14547
    total parts: 11964
    unique parts: 120
    Sub-Assy: 2583
    Unique Subs: 86
    Resolved 0
    Suppressed 172
    Lt Wt Comp 14375
    Top level mates 24
    Top level comp 8
    Max Depth 6
    Time to load Lt Wt 37 sec
    Time to resolve 100 sec
    Time to load resolved 174 sec

    I changed a couple of features and added some more assemblies


    It appears that changing a couple of features (it affected 282 parts) has
    reduced the Load LW time.

    I really don't understand all of the variables. But, I can change the
    assembly width by 1 foot and its height by 6 inches and the width change
    will add over 550 parts to the assembly (required by new width) and the
    height change will adjust the dimension and change length on over 50 parts.

    The assembly still handles (O.K.)

    I have sheet metal parts with six flanges and numerous slots and cutouts.

    There must be something that I'm doing or not doing that greatly affects the
    assembly resolve times. If we can figure out some of these variables, maybe
    SW can fix the ones that are really slowing down the process.

    Tom Chasteen, Nov 24, 2003
  9. Gianluca

    SRW Guest

    It's been along time since I too have ran 2001+ but I know that when I
    switched form 01+ to 03 I did't notice any slow downs. I wasn't doing
    large assemblies then, just advanced injection molded parts, but was
    often working w/ 15+Mb parts. Now I am working in 04 and have noticed
    a slight drop in speed, but it is more than made up for w/ the
    stability it has brought alone. I have two other guys here working on
    04 one of which is happy w/ it other than some minor bugs (and it cut
    his crashes from about 10/day down to 1-2/day) and one guy who hates
    it w/ a passion. I believe most of his problems are w/ currupt parts
    though, but I ain't about to argue that point w/ him cause it's a
    waste of my time.
    Just my $.02 but I know that if I were trying to accomplish the things
    I am now w/ '01+ that I would be having a much more difficult time
    doing it. It's all a judgement call though.
    SRW, Nov 24, 2003
  10. Gianluca

    kellnerp Guest

    Any toolbox stuff?

    Any flexible sub-assemblies?

    The unique parts count seems quite low for an assembly that size.
    kellnerp, Nov 25, 2003
  11. Gianluca

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    I had 2000+ fasteners this includes bolts, washers , nuts, and cap screws.
    All fasteners were copies of the toolbox part and all unnecessary
    configurations were deleted. Nuts are drilled out to prevent interference
    with the bolts. I have sheetmetal self drilling self tapping (SDST screws),
    they were down loaded from McMaster-Carr. I also have square beveled
    washers. One of the down loaded parts came in as a 2 meg file. I remade
    the part and it shrank by 6+ times.

    There are no flexible sub-assemblies

    When you say the parts count seems quite low for assembly that size, I take
    it that you are complimenting my design skills!

    Tom Chasteen, Nov 25, 2003
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