2 versions of SolidWorks on one PC

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Payam Dianat, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. Payam Dianat

    Payam Dianat Guest

    I have SolidWorks 2003 installed on my machine. I want to also install 2001
    version on the PC. However, when I do that the 2003 version does not work.
    Any suggestions.


    Payam Dianat
    Payam Dianat, Sep 16, 2003
  2. Payam Dianat

    Sporkman Guest

    If you're using two different serial numbers it's not going to work . .
    .. period. SolidWorks (whatever version) allows only one Windows
    registry key to contain the serial number of the license you're using.
    It has to be the same for 2001 as for 2003. The only way that I can
    imagine to get around that particular problem (if that is your problem)
    is to export a registry key for one, and then for the other, and import
    the appropriate key when you want to switch from one to the other.
    Needless to say, messing around like that with your Windows registry
    isn't something I'd recommend . . . but you could possibly do it that

    Sporkman, Sep 17, 2003
  3. when you install 2003 on around 2001. the install asks you do you want
    a new install or upgrade. if you select new install then 2003 knows
    how to install around older versions of solidworks. if you install
    2001 around 2003. then i dont see how 2001 would be able to know how
    to install around 2003. id say uninstall all solidworks installs. then
    install 2001. after install 2003.

    hope this helps
    Sean Phillips, Sep 17, 2003
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