2 Server syncen

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by juergenl, Sep 16, 2004.

  1. juergenl

    juergenl Guest

    We have two servers at two different locations. We work with AutoCAD on both
    locations. At the moment location 2 works with the data form location 1.
    This takes a very long time. Now I´m looking for a solution that both
    locations can use the same register. For your information one drawing
    contains more sub-drawings. That means when we open a drawing at location 1
    the drawing should not be opened at location 2. At the moment I´m working on
    a solution that the changed data are synchronized during the night. This is
    not the best solution.

    I´m looking forward to your help and your solutions.

    Best regards,
    juergenl, Sep 16, 2004
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