2 Most Important Characterstics of Swks?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    SolidWorks does 3D modeling well in a lot of areas and like other
    software it has glitches and inconsistencies, but overall, we get
    "solid" work done and life goes on.

    What are the 2 most important CHARACTERISTICS that SolidWorks gives
    you that makes it worthwhile?

    Thanks - Bo


    Bo, Aug 17, 2007
  2. Bo

    pete Guest

    1, It has a backup system to cover the crashes and quirks that Solidworks
    does often.

    2, Gives us lots of coffee and cigarette breaks, whilst someone tries to fix
    Solidworks once again!

    pete, Aug 17, 2007
  3. Bo

    bob zee Guest

    1. clearance issues - can see when things are going to hit

    2. 2d drawings are created 'mostly' automatically and they mostly

    bob z. doesn't think there are any other items that could be added
    even if it was a "10 most important" list.


    bob z.
    bob zee, Aug 17, 2007
  4. Bo

    zxys Guest

    1. Ctrl-Q (repairing of inconsistent features)

    2. SP's (Service Packs - stuff SW Corp breaks and fixes)
    zxys, Aug 17, 2007
  5. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    A large user base and all the benefits that go with it.


    Because of the large SolidWorks user base we are finally seeing
    quality independent documentation.... myigetit, SolidProfessor, The
    SolidWorks Bible with more to appear shortly.

    If VX understood how to market and didn't decide to be a niche product
    I'd rather have kept using VX.

    It's very sad how companies like IronCAD, VX, etc. are totally afraid
    to go head to head with SolidWorks. Companies that have the balls to
    go head to head seem to win. PTC back in the day didn't shy away from
    going head to head and for a time they won.

    We live in times were wimp marketing is the norm and it's a pathetic
    situation for those that are "CAD To The Bone".

    jon_banquer, Aug 17, 2007
  6. Bo

    Dave Guest

    Dave, Aug 17, 2007
  7. Bo

    TOP Guest

    1. It forces you to model it as it is. When going from ACAD to SW this
    is the number one thing that one is hit with. Modeling as is allows
    the engineer to see what is really happening regarding fit and
    function. A 3D model contains much more information than most people
    realize and SW makes this aspect tolerably easy most of the time.

    2. It allows communication through drawings of this same information
    by allowing sections and other types of detail that a 2D draughtsman
    simply wouldn't tackle unless it was extremely important. Back in the
    days when I used Pro/E we designed a simple stamping (flange and
    cylindrical chamber). The ACAD drawings would simply show a cylinder
    intersecting a flat plane. Pro/E showed the fillet in all it's
    complexity. The vendor was ready to charge more for this detail on the
    drawing thinking it was something special when in reality that was how
    they would make it in a stamping die. They were not used to seeing
    that information on a drawing.

    TOP, Aug 18, 2007
  8. Bo

    Bo Guest

    I am always enlightened when other people give their reasons and
    opinions which always have surprises for me, and I definately learn
    something on this board.

    My two reasons to use SolidWorks are indeed

    1. modeling of solids with hinges which I can set up with a formula
    to "bend" the hinge so I can stage an Assy file with the hinge part in
    various positions to mock up hinged parts together with appropriate
    mates (which works with limitations), and then

    2. eDrawings as a communications tool.

    I noted Pete saying with tongue in cheek "Gives us lots of coffee and
    cigarette breaks, whilst someone tries to fix Solidworks once again!"

    Once I gave up on letting my SolidWorks machine on the Internet or a
    local network, my problems with crashes are very close to zero. There
    are things in Swks 2006 that I do which cause it to quit but it is
    only once every month or two.

    Some parts are ones I just guess might have problems, so I do "Save
    As" and it sure makes life easier when something goes wrong, or even
    right. Then I have both copies of the file and can toss out the
    lesser design.

    Bo, Aug 20, 2007
  9. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Ahhh, given the posts today, we have to be thankful that SolidWorks is
    not persecuted by MI5.

    Bo, Aug 20, 2007
  10. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Actually, on rethought, I think the ability to think better in 3D and
    then verify those thoughts with parts and all their interferences and
    clearances in the initial design is what allows me the ability to
    expand my design capabilities.

    Bo, Aug 22, 2007
  11. Bo

    jjs Guest

    I totally agree - this is the one area that 3d is invaluable in the
    design creation process.

    I am constantly sketch stupid ideas on a bit of paper in the pub -
    then getting into the office, and as I model them up, I see ways of
    really improving on them - sparking new ideas that actually fit

    The down side is that when faced with a deadline or budget
    constraints , there is a danger of going with ideas that are easy to
    model, rather than correct for the job - hence the need for easy
    modelling techniques to allow the momentum of the thoughts and ideas
    to be maintained even for complex shapes.

    jjs, Aug 23, 2007
  12. Bo

    Bo Guest

    3D in SolidWorks lets me try to achieve designs I wouldn't even
    attempt in 2D.

    The hardest design jobs I face in my medical plastic parts are to take
    what is something already quite simple, and something that hasn't
    changed in decades, and make it better.

    I try to improve safety, ease-of-use, add needed features in the same
    envelope, user recognition of the postion of a moving part from a
    distance, & better labeling to reduce clinical mistakes.

    Of course, some of my bright ideas are totally worthless once I see
    the design faults in 3D. That is what the Delete function in Windows
    Explorer is used for.

    Bo, Aug 23, 2007
  13. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest


    Being able to drag a section view through an shaded assembly is a tool
    that I have gotten use to and don't think I could live without.
    jon_banquer, Aug 23, 2007
  14. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Indeed that real-time sectioning is something I use all the time, but
    don't think about anymore. How many days of my life on 2D paper were
    spent drawing custom section views?

    Another thing I rarely attempted in 2D was to do highly detailed
    drawings of competitive products, as I couldn't make much good use of
    the end result in 2d.

    3D parts & assemblies of competitor's products are now able to be
    analyzed in all sorts of ways in terms of FEA to physicals and easy
    comparison with my designs & other competitors.

    Bo, Aug 23, 2007
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