2 about wavescan

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by spectrallypure, Feb 19, 2009.

  1. Hello all! I would be grateful if given some clues on these two
    enquiries regarding wavescan:

    1. Is it possible to use the "Expressions" box in the "Label
    Attributes" window that appears when double-clicking the title of a
    wavescan plot, in order to print the values of variables, possibly
    concatenated with some text? For example, let's say in my testbench I
    have two variables "Amp" and "Freq". Is it possible to elaborate some
    sort of expression for the title that evaluate these variables and
    concatenates the output with some text to produce a title like this:

    "Amplitude=[value_of_variable_A], Frequency=[value_of_variable_F]"

    I tried using the calculator buffer and the "memories" as advised in
    the documentation, but had no luck. In case this is impossible to
    accomplish by just entering expressions in the "Label Attributes"
    window, could I do it using skill? How?

    2. Is it possible to set some environment variable to specify the
    default number of strips that wavescan displays? I almost always need
    to analyze >10 waveforms in strip mode and changing manually from the
    default value (5) gets nonsense after some time. I looked in the
    documentation but found no env variable regarding this setting.

    Thanks in advance for any help/ideas!


    spectrallypure, Feb 19, 2009
  2. spectrallypure wrote, on 02/19/09 12:31:
    One possibility might be to use the Results->Printing/Plotting Options in ADE -
    you can ask it to annotate the design variables.

    foreach(mapcar var
    sort(outputs() 'alphalessp)
    sprintf(nil "%s=%L" var pv(var "value"))

    I thought you could use abShowAllVars() in the expression field, and then use %E
    in the label text - but it's expecting a numerical result, so that doesn't work
    (I'll file an enhancement for this).

    You could however use:


    Put this in your ~/.cdsenv file:

    wavescan.rectGraph visibleStripChartRows string "10"

    You can also (in versions above put:

    wavescan.rectGraph visibleStripChartRows string "persist"

    which will remember your last setting if you change it interactively.

    Best Regards,

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 21, 2009
  3. Thanks so much for your reply, Andrew (and sorry for the delayed
    response!). I tried your solutions and obtained these results:

    1. [Variables in chart title]: I decided to use Skill for creating/
    setting the chart titles, and your function abShowAllVars() solves the
    problem nicely; thank you!

    2. [Setting the deafult number of strips in chart] I haven't been able
    to solve this problem. I added the suggested entry in my .cdsenv, but
    nothing seems to happen, and the charts still show 5 strips by
    default. I further tried setting/reading the suggested variable from
    the CIW, but it doesn't seem to exist. This is what I get:

    \i envSetVal("wavescan.rectGraph" "visibleStripChartRows" 'string
    \w *WARNING* envSetVal: Can't set the value of variable
    \w in tool[.partition] 'wavescan.rectGraph' - it has not been
    \t nil

    \i envGetVal("wavescan.rectGraph" "visibleStripChartRows")
    \w *WARNING* envGetVal: Could not find variable
    \w in tool[.partition] 'wavescan.rectGraph'.
    \t nil

    I am using icfb sub-version What could be going

    Thanks again for any further ideas!


    spectrallypure, Mar 4, 2009
  4. spectrallypure wrote, on 03/04/09 12:26:
    Hi Jorge,

    Between USR3 and USR4, the cdsenv variable was removed, and replaced by a
    "persistent" (sometimes known as "sticky") variable - the setting for this was
    stored in the .ws_state file.

    In USR4 the ability to set the cdsenv variable was restored. In fact the cdsenv
    variable can have the value "persist" (sourcelink solution 11424530) to allow
    the "sticky" behaviour if that's what you prefer.

    So you're unfortunate - you're using a subversion (a USR3 vintage ISR) where it
    was broken...


    Andrew Beckett, Mar 4, 2009
  5. OK Andrew; thanks anyway for saving me from wasting more time on this.
    I know... :)


    spectrallypure, Mar 4, 2009
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