1050C grey problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kemp, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. kemp

    kemp Guest

    I have 2 computers, both with acad 2k4 and windows 2000. They both plot to
    the 1050C thru the same server. If I plot the exact same drawing on both
    computers the greyscale colors are different. What could cause this? Can I
    fix it so that all the computers will plot the same way?

    Hope someone knows,

    kemp, Jan 15, 2004
  2. kemp

    kemp Guest

    More info on this problem:

    1) This actually happens with other plotters too, not just the 1050C.
    2) We are using the same pc3 & ctb files located on the server.
    3) We are using the exact same printer driver versions.

    The fact that the problem is plotter independent makes me think it is
    something within AutoCAD that is causing this.
    kemp, Jan 15, 2004
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