10 Compelling Reasons USANA Should be Your Opportunity of Choice

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by amos, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. amos

    amos Guest

    10 Compelling Reasons USANA Should be Your Opportunity of Choice
    Stability - You can commit your time, energy, and enthusiasm to your
    USANA business. USANA is a solid, publicly traded company founded in
    Experience - Dr. Myron Wentz, the Founder and Chairman of the Board of
    USANA Health Sciences, has years of hands-on experience in
    international business. USANA has a solid management team with years
    of successful business leadership.
    Quality - USANA manufactures and packages many of its own products in
    its own state-of-the-art facilities. USANA guarantees the quality and
    potency of all its products.
    Leading-Edge Technology - USANA develops its products using the latest
    research. The company has collaborated on research with scientists at
    the Linus Pauling Institute, and sponsored unique research at the
    Cardiology Research Institute in Moscow.
    Exploding Market - Seventy-six million baby boomers are aging, and
    they are looking for products that make them look and feel better.
    USANA is poised to help you meet this demand by offering quality
    products in a nutrition market that has tripled over the last five
    Timing, Timing, Timing - USANA began operations in September of 1992.
    We have passed the pioneering stage where many new companies fail and
    are currently entering the momentum stage where fortunes are created.
    Fair and Lucrative Compensation - USANA's compensation plan allows all
    people an opportunity to succeed.
    Expert Training - As a USANA Distributor you have the opportunity to
    be trained by the best in the world in the areas of health, wealth,
    and empowerment.
    Your Success is Our Success - USANA offers a wide range of Distributor
    support services which make building your USANA business much easier.
    Credibility - USANA's Medical Advisory Board, on-staff Ph.D.s,
    physicians, and Distributor force include many highly respected
    business and health care leaders such as Dr. Denis Waitley, and
    others. They offer credibility to greatly enhance your
    business-building efforts.

    amos, Apr 2, 2005
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