1) 3D houses 2) curved surfaces

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by the-trooper, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. the-trooper

    the-trooper Guest

    Hi everyone!

    I need some general advice on drawing 3D houses.
    What is the best (and fastest) method? What do You use more, surfaces,
    solids...? How do You create doors and windows?
    I know the theory on drawing in 3D, but simply don't know where to
    start with complicated models.

    And second, how to create curved surfaces. For example, the body of an
    acoustic guitar. I don't know how to make top and bottom with
    surfaces. The only way I could think of is extruding a fited pline,
    shell it and exploding, so I can assign surfaces (i. e. bodies) to
    different layers for material assignment. But this is pretty hard for
    more complicated models, and leaves surfaces where you do not want
    them. Is there some simpler way by using 3D surfaces after tabsurfing
    a polyline?

    Thank You!
    the-trooper, Apr 30, 2004
  2. the-trooper

    longshot Guest

    90% solids. the only stuff I use faces for are square to round type
    if you can draw the face of a guitar in 2d , made an extra copy of it.,
    extrude one the thickness of the face (1/8") , offset the other the
    thickness of the wall (1/8""??), extrude those the thickness of the guitar
    (5"??) . subtract the inner from the outer & make a copy of the face to
    become the back, subtract an extruded circle for the whole in ther front.
    place them all together & union. now add the neck & strings ..ect. now add
    materials, select your lighting & render away. good luck
    longshot, Apr 30, 2004
  3. You left out the ultimate purpose of the model. How will it be displayed?
    What kinds of views are you going to use?
    Michael Bulatovich, Apr 30, 2004
  4. the-trooper

    the-trooper Guest

    I can't, that is the problem. When you look at guitar from above it is
    curved, and I don't know how to make curved faces (2D faces, not
    solids, I know how to make it with solids).
    Back, front and sides of a guitar are almost always made of different
    materials, why I wont to draw it with surfaces (3 surfaces, 3 layers,
    3 materials - exactly same can be made with solids but it seemed
    easier with faces), and why I can't use union (I could, using colors,
    but that's messy).
    Yours method is more complicated then mine :)

    3D views (SE, SW...) and variations on same. Why is that important for
    the-trooper, May 1, 2004
  5. It's important for sections.

    Michael Bulatovich, May 2, 2004
  6. the-trooper

    Longshot Guest

    can you draw a front view of the guitar body? make it a polyline & extrude
    it 1/8" ..

    what can't you draw the curved sides? it's simple a section profile

    other wise I have no idea what your question is.
    Longshot, May 2, 2004
  7. the-trooper

    P.C. Guest


    Now you shuld know how to make the basic Solid as a hollow object, -----
    what you need to se, is that if you don't want the same hight all way
    around, all you need to do, is to make another Solid that shape the first
    one by subtracting the new. This way ,and by creating a few other Solids ,
    you will end up with a model much more accurate, than one in mesh.
    You need a curved bottom ------ make another solid with a concave top,
    subtract exactly those parts of it that you want to form the bottom.
    P.C., May 2, 2004
  8. the-trooper

    the-trooper Guest

    When you extrude a 2D object it becomes 3D solid. I wanted to know is
    there some way to draw curved 2D faces (again, 2D not 3D, witch solids
    always are). But don't worry about it anymore. I give up on idea of
    curved 2D faces.
    the-trooper, May 2, 2004
  9. the-trooper

    popeye Guest

    You are correct about the guitar, but it is arduous.

    3D houses are not in themselves difficult, the key is to have layer control
    (although you can use planes) to turn off walls and floors etc. The method
    I use (and which I find quickest and easiest for me) is to have an angled
    view showing and create objects in the margin/on a sketchpad area. Once I
    have created the object I need (door, wall, chair etc), I check they layers
    are right then make it a block.

    Objects as block makes assembly a sinch in the angled 3D view - just drag
    the block into position!
    popeye, May 6, 2004
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