04 Plots in Black - pretty please

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jonathan Chertok, Jan 30, 2005.

  1. Anyone have any idea why my plots generated in 04 are plotting in color?!

    At the same time I am able to plot drawings that were generated in 00 in

    Everything seems great except for the life of my I can't figure out how to
    get them to print in black. Same "Plot Style Table", same "Page Setup Name",
    same "Plotter Configuration" for both plots - one gets out in color and the
    other in black and white.

    Any ideas? I do have one penweight that I want to print in color, so I'd
    like not to set the printer itself to print only in black...

    - Jonathan
    Jonathan Chertok, Jan 30, 2005
  2. Jonathan Chertok

    Gabi Guest

    People still plot in B&W??
    Gabi, Jan 31, 2005
  3. Jonathan Chertok

    Dave Jones Guest

    why in the world would anyone print in color? Maybe if you're a graphics
    artist doing presentation work, but in the real world (construction for me)
    everything is blackline copied repeatedly anyway...so, no need for color

    btw, can I get a Mary Kay catalog :)
    Dave Jones, Jan 31, 2005
  4. Jonathan Chertok

    Dennis Hyman Guest

    Perhaps you are in a style dependant plot style table (.stb) instead of
    color dependant (.ctb)? If so, at the command line, type in CONVERTPSTYLES.
    That should fix your problem and allow you to use your default ctb files.
    Dennis Hyman, Jan 31, 2005
  5. Jonathan Chertok

    Dave Jones Guest

    who are you talking to? I just wanted a Mary Kay catalog...
    Dave Jones, Jan 31, 2005
  6. Hi Dennis.

    Thanks. I will check into this command for future use. Helpful.

    For some reason I was able to get the damn thing to go through in Black just
    now after reloading the Postscript Driver.

    Does anyone happen to know if you have to run ACAD plots through a HP
    Postscript Driver in order to get the pen colors to work correctly with 04
    or XP?

    Thanks again Dennis. Great to get help with these "arcane details of the cad

    - Jonathan
    Jonathan Chertok, Jan 31, 2005
  7. Jonathan Chertok

    Gabi Guest

    All of our shop drawings are in color along with the vellums that we sign
    off. Makes it much easier for the field to read and follow....
    Gabi, Jan 31, 2005
  8. Jonathan Chertok

    Dave Jones Guest

    your "field" must work indoors then because in my experience color printing
    is tough to read in sunlight...but different strokes for different folks :)

    Another thought about color plotting for field use...you must have some
    standardization regarding what's what color or it could get real confusing.
    Not a problem when everything is black on white.
    Dave Jones, Jan 31, 2005
  9. Jonathan Chertok

    Gabi Guest

    Both Outside and Inside Commerical MEP work. And we do have a color
    standard. We also plot color on yellow paper for spool cuts that our shop
    Gabi, Feb 1, 2005
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