I have read tons of posts about the whole 0,0 origin at the lower left hand corner of the drawing border. When I do a full preview, I want to see that baby fit perfectly within that whitespace. And when I plot it out, I expect the margins to be exactly as they look on the full preview. So, hee is my question: Simply put, how do I move the lower left corner of the white paperspace to 0,0? Please dont answer in any of the following ways: 1. The reason AutoCAD configures it this way is because this is the way most printers work (non-answer). 2. AutoCAD has no intention of fixing this confusing issue (non-answer). 3. Change your drawing border so 0,0 is not at the lower left hand corner of the drawing (nope - not going to do that). 4. Plot your smaller border to the next paper size (nope - not going to do that). Just please, please, please tell me how to move the lower left corner of the white area to 0, 0? I KNOW I'm not asking too much. Thanks in advance to all who help.